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Mental Strength



Mental Strength Tip #57 – Your ‘Why’ and Personal Success

Welcome back to another Mental Strength Tip!

Achieving personal success and reaching your personal goals begins with a mental strength mindset of empowering beliefs.

Reaching your personal goals and personal success starts in your mind…and finishes with taking inspired and massive action.

This is one in a series of virtual success coaching and mental strength tips to help kick-start your week.  It is intended to enthuse and inspire you to take action so that you can reach your personal goals and personal success.

I take one mental strength tips and run though a brief overview of it, then ask some very direct success coaching questions.  The intention of this virtual success coaching session is for you to write and answer these questions in your success journal and then reflect on them to gain insight on yourself, your dreams and what’s holding you back.

These series of posts are for YOU!  If I’m not able to success coach you personally one-on-one over the phone or in The 2nd Passage, I want you to at least get the benefit of a virtual mental strength and success coaching session.


Objective of this Mental Strength Tip:

To help you uncover your emotional motivators and to understand that your ‘how’ to reach your personal goals and personal success is not as important as your ‘why.’

Let’s Get Started:

People are usually driven by things they cannot see on the surface.  That is, our ‘why’ is so much more powerful than the ‘what’ we want to achieve.  A compelling future where you reach your personal goals and personal success is motivating NOT because of the things, but because of the feeling they’ll give you.  When you can use your mental strength and dig deeper and find out the real purpose behind your motivation, you’ll then be in a position that nothing will stop you!

Questions to Uncover Beliefs about Mental Strength Thinking:

  • Do you believe most people fail to escape the creation of average results due to a lack of knowledge or motivation?
  • What is more powerful motivator; logic or emotions?
  • What do you believe drives top achiever more than anything else?

Unsupportive Beliefs about Knowing Your ‘Why’

  • My ‘why’ is to survive
  • My ‘why’ is to be comfortable
  • My ‘why’ is so I don’t have to worry about money

Mental Strength Beliefs about Knowing Your ‘Why’

  • My ‘why is to reach my peak potential
  • My ‘why’ is to manifest my vision of achieving my personal goals and personal success
  • My ‘why’ is my life is a gift and I want to fully express my potential daily

Outrageous Questions:

  • Do you really know your ‘why’?
  • Is you current level of motivation string enough to manifest your personal goals and personal success?
  • Is it possible to tap into a deeper level of emotional motivation that you’re not currently aware of?

Reflective Questions:

  • On a scale of 1-9, 9 being strongest, how strong are you emotional motivators?
  • Are you willing to allow me to lead you through an introspective process to uncover your emotional motivators?
  • What emotions drive you the most in your life?
  • Is it possible to use them in your career to achieve more personal success?

Mental Strength Coaching:

The average persona has no idea of the depth of fire that burns inside them that can be converted into emotional motivation.  This is because no one has ever taken them through an in-depth reflective process.

The success coaching session is to get you to trust yourself enough to contemplate on how you really feel about your ‘why.’

Keep asking yourself ‘why’ you want the things you want and then why is that important.

The session is to get to use your mental strength and reflect deeply on our ‘why’ so that you can use this as your emotional motivator to achieve your personal goals and personal success.

Final Thought

Helping you uncover your emotional power is the like discovering your inner ‘Superman’ or ‘Wonder Women.’

When you know your ‘why’ you become invincible and unstoppable.  No matter what obstacles you face along the way you’ll destroy them.

If you’d like to get started on finding your ‘why’ so that you can achieve your personal goals and reach your personal success request your Introductory Consultation today!

Or, if you’d like to study on your own today, order a copy of “Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior.” This is a fantastic e-book that helps you take control of your thoughts, develop success awareness and helps you tap into the powers of your unconsciousness mind to create the mental strength to succeed at anything!

OK…now it’s your turn!  Let me know about your thoughts on this subject in the comments below.

You are your biggest supporter.

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