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Mental Strength



Mental Strength Tip #32 – Your Code of Conduct and Personal Success

Conscience and law

Image via Wikipedia

Achieving peak personal performance and creating personal power begins with a mental strength mindset and empowering beliefs.  Reaching your personal goals starts in the mind and finishes with peak performance…taking massive action.

This is one in a series of mental strength life coaching tips to help start your week of strong so that you can reach your personal goals and personal success.

I take one subject and run though a brief overview of it, then ask some very direct questions.  The intention of these virtual sessions is for you to write the questions in your success journal and then reflect on them and write your answers and thoughts in your journal.

These series of posts are for YOU!  If I’m not able to coach you personally one-on-one, I want you to at least get the benefit of “virtual” coaching.

Objective of this Mental Strength Tip:

To help you evaluate how congruent your habits, actions and behaviors are with your conscience.  To encourage you to understand that one facet of a mental strength mindset goal is to do endeavor to the right thing.

Let’s Get Started:

Whether stated publicly or not the majority of personally successful individuals operate with a personal and professional code of conduct. They understand the importance of havening a clear conscience and bring proud of their actions based on their personal a professional code of conduct.

It’s essential to have and to live your personal and professional code of conduct in order to have a clear conscience when reaching your personal goals.

Questions to Uncover Beliefs about Mental Strength Thinking:

  • How does knowing you are doing the right thing impact your personal performance?
  • Do people that refuse to do the right thing have an advantage over you?
  • In your experience, do most people do the right thing in business and their personal lives?

Unsupportive Beliefs about Code of Conduct

  • People who take advantage of people get ahead faster.
  • You can’t have a clear conscience and be super successful.
  • People ho have no conscience have more personal success.

Mental Strength Beliefs about Code of Conduct

  • Doing the right thing is the best way to achieve personal goals, fulfillment and happiness.
  • You can fool other people, but you can’t the Universe, act against your conscience, and there will be a price to pay.
  • Operating with a clear conscience elevates you from a successful person to a significant person.

Outrageous Questions:

  • Based on your behavior in personal life and business life, do you a clearly defined code of conduct?
  • Are you proud of the way you operate in your life and business?
  • What could you do to improve how you feel about your behaviors, actions and yourself?

Reflective Questions:

  • Do you always attempt to do the right thing?
  • Have you ever done something that left you with an uneasy feeling…a guilty conscience?
  • What would have to let go of to improve the way you feel about your conduct in your personal life and business?

Mental Strength Coaching:

This is a very sensitive topic for most people.  The above questions can be perceived as “tuff.”  But heck, isn’t that how you build your mental strength…by taking on tuff questions.

At first you may ignore or deny having a guilty conscience now or at any time, the above questions are intended to make you contemplate deeper.  The purpose of this virtual coaching session is more about facilitating an introspective process for you then is for you to confess to feelings of guilt or shame.

Don’t dwell on the results of your thoughts.  Learn from the contemplation and then move forward toward your personal goals.

Final Thought

Coaching around conscience opens your mind to uninhabited areas of thought.  When your habits, actions and behaviors are congruent with your code of conduct you’ll achieve your personal goals, personal success AND be able to sleep at night.

I hope this one virtual coaching session on this topic has had a powerful affect and will generate a consideration as to your level of happiness and life satisfaction in regards to your personal code of conduct.

If you’d like to get started on developing a rock solid mindset for personal power,  peak personal performance, goal setting or achieving your personal goals request your Introductory Consultation today!

Or, if you’d like to study on your own today, order a copy of “Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior.” This is a fantastic e-book that helps you take control of your thoughts, develop success awareness and assist’s you into tapping into the powers of your unconsciousness mind and create the mental strength required to succeed at anything!

OK…now it’s your turn!  Let me know about your thoughts on this subject in the comments below.

  • Mental Strength Tip #27 – Conflict for Personal Growth (
  • Mental Strength Tip #28 – Personal Success and Comebacks (
  • Mental Strength Tip #29 – Recovery and Personal Success (
  • Mental Strength Tip #30 – Coachablity and Personal Success (
  • Mental Strength Tip #31 – Creativity and Personal Success (
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