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Mental Strength



Mental Strength Tip #147: Cause and Effect Success

Welcome back to another Mental Strength Tip!

Personal development is essential to live a life of power, purpose and passion….with perseverance.  Personal development is about know how to full use all of your four personal resources; physical, emotional, spiritual and mental.

The mental aspect of personal development requires mental strength and mindset of empowering beliefs that will instill the feeling of self-empowerment.

Reaching your personal goals, achieving personal success and exceeding your human potential starts in your mind…and finishes with taking inspired and massive action.

This is one in a series of virtual personal coaching and mental strength tips to help kick-start your week.  It is intended to create self-empowerment and inspire you to take action so that you can reach your personal goals and personal success.

I take one mental strength tips and run though a brief overview of it, then ask some very direct coaching questions.  The intention of this virtual personal coaching session is for you to write and answer these questions in your success journal and then reflect on them to gain insight on yourself, your dreams and what’s holding you back.

[color-box]Learn the secrets to cause and effect success HERE[/color-box]

Objective of this Mental Strength Tip:

To persuade you that the secret to better results in any area of your life begins with reprograming your belief system so that you change your behavior.  To help you understand cause and effect success.

Let’s Get Started:

The Law of Cause and Effect says that out of an infinity of choices, there is the one perfect choice, or behavior, that will create the results you want. This is the correlation between cause and effect success.

There are many signs around you and feelings within you that will guide you and the first place to start is examining your beliefs around the results you and want the behavior required to get them.

Questions to Uncover Beliefs about Mental Strength Thinking:

  • What do you believe controls and dictates people’s behavior in life?
  • Is it possible to change a person’s core belief system?
  • How do you think changing a belief happens?

Unsupportive Beliefs about Belief Change

  • People don’t change.
  • Success and happiness is the same thing.
  • Success has nothing to do with happiness.

Mental Strength Beliefs about Belief Change

  • I’m in control of my own success and happiness.
  • I can change and manipulate my thoughts and habits at will.
  • Peak performance results being with peak performance thinking.

Outrageous Questions:

  • Does your current use of language sound more like the average person or a peak performer?
  • Is the future you see more average results or peak performance results?
  • How does changing your beliefs change your results?

Reflective Questions:

  • What’s the difference between success and fulfillment?
  • On a scale of 1-9, 9 being fulfilled, how fulfilled are you?
  • Does fulfillment have an effect on success?

Mental Strength Coaching:

The Law of Cause and Effect simply embodies the principle that every state (circumstance) that exists in the Universe is an effect created by an originating cause.  Or, stated conversely, every action is a cause that creates a resulting effect.

Consider the following fact pattern to demonstrate the Law of Cause and Effect (for those well-versed in this Law, please bear with me):

  • I chop a tree (cause) and it falls down (effect).
  • I continue to saw the fallen tree (cause) and I create logs (effect).
  • I split the logs (cause) and I create firewood (effect).
  • I stack the firewood (cause) and I create a firewood pile (effect).
  • I leave the firewood pile sitting outside for one year (cause) and it becomes seasoned firewood (effect).
  • I take a piece of seasoned firewood and throw it into a fire in the fireplace (cause) and it burns (effect).
  • The firewood burns (cause) and the fire produces byproducts of ash, water, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and other gases (effects), which spew forth from the chimney (further effect).

The Law of Cause and Effect underlies our human ability to understand and manipulate our environment; the very nature of science and scientific experimentation depends on it.  All scientific theory is proven or disproven through application of the Law of Cause and Effect.  Under scientific experimentation, a particular theory is tested and results (effects) are obtained.  If the theory holds true, under the Law of Cause and Effect, its results (effects) may be reproduced again and again under identical causes (test controls).

Final Thought

We live in a world of “cause and effect.”

Understand and apply the Law of Cause and Effect in your daily actions, and your life will change – dramatically.  Worked correctly, the Law of Cause and Effect can markedly alter the course of your life in the direction that you Desire.  This is a Law that CAN be worked tremendously to your advantage.

Too often, we become so deeply ensconced in the daily busyness of our lives that we fail to realize the immense powerful impact that the Law of Cause and Effect plays in the results that we achieve (or fail to achieve).

Make no mistake, however – the Law is always at work.  Whether we consciously work it to our benefit, or whether we neglect it in its entirety, the Law of Cause and Effect operates to shape the Results of our lives.  We can choose, therefore, to work with the Law, or we can choose to ignore it.  Either way, the Law’s force and impact on our lives is still the same.

So, it might be a good idea to revisit this important Mental Strength Key.  And, perhaps, re-discover a few refresher points along the way.

Get started today on understanding the law of Cause and Effect and request your Introductory Consultation by going HERE.

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