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Mental Strength



Mental Strength Principles for Personal Growth

Change is an inevitable process that occurs throughout the life cycle of people. However, people not only have the capacity to experience change but to go through it willfully in an effort to transform themselves.

However, such intentional restructuring can only happen when individuals have a personal growth theory – one that is formed after diverse principles have been gathered and internalized.

Concepts that Contribute to a Personal Growth Theory

One of the fundamental principles underpinning theories for personal growth and transformation is the belief that change begins with an essential shift in perspective. This shift encompasses a difference in a person’s understanding of themselves which then impacts their belief system and leads to alteration in their behavior and lifestyle.

This modification in self-perception may come through experiencing dilemma or crises. It may also come as a result of purposive self-assessment.  When a person’s self-image is altered and critical thinking is used to reflect on and challenge old assumptions, his or her belief systems also change.  Then, based on new perceptions of self and systems of belief, behavior can be modified. These adjustments in self image, in beliefs and behavior comprise the process of transformation.

Most schools of thought will accede that personal growth and transformation involves several basic ingredients. Among these are a reorientation of worldview, a realization of personal capacities for growth and redirection; and the concretization of new ways of thinking and living. These become part of a transformative cycle because each of these will impact and potentiate the other factors. To illustrate, any success in a lifestyle change will bring with it the discovery of new abilities and an expansion of perspective.

Distinct Processes in Personal Growth and Transformation

The course of change is marked by certain processes which contribute to theories on personal transformation. One of this is the occurrence of crises or dilemma which brings about introspection and an effort to resolve crises – both of which are analytical and rational. In the simplest of terms, the coming of crises triggers a thinking process that challenges the way the world outside works, the way an individual has defined himself and his abilities to function in that world. Many advocates in this field of human behavior consider this process as the first step in transformation.

For transformation to take place and for it to be positive and constructive, the person in crisis and struggling from it must become more critical, more open to new ideas and solutions and more receptive to input from others. From this mindset a new, radical perspective of the world and self can emerge. This leads to the recognition of new options for responding and the exploration of new roles. As an outcome, new directions and actions are taken necessitating new skills and a return to the outside community under revised terms.

The praxis of moving back and forth from reflection to revised perspective to action creates transformation in individuals who in turn impact on the world they live in. This sets off a chain of revisions in the person and the world.  When brought about by dilemma this process can be painful, bringing with it a disorientation that is resolved with the discovery of new options.

Some believe that the process of change need not always be instigated by dilemma but that learning can in fact bring about transformation. This has led to the view of learning as a radical change agent even when it germinates from an academic purpose. In turn, this has spawned a whole new methodology in the field of adult education. It has also provided a practical application for self-improvement.

The outside world in this millennium constantly demands adjustments from people. Because of this, the idea of reinventing has become most frequently applied not to contraptions but to people. This makes a personal growth and transformation theory important as a mental strength tool to help make sure that change is as constructive and as painless as possible.

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