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Mental Strength



Mental Strength Habits Of A Purpose Focused Man – Part V

Welcome back the continuation of this series entitled “Mental Strength Habits Of A Purpose Focused Man”Creativity for a purpose driven life

We’ve been breaking down 21 mental strength habits, one by one, of men with a purpose driven life.  These habits are in 5 categories; mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and finances.

If this is your first time here the link back to “Mental Strength Habits Of A Purpose Focused Man – Part I.

I want to mention again, my belief is that there is no mid-life crisis” for men…well generally speaking.

What I think a “mid-life crisis” is, is a lack of focus and purpose.  When men lose their purpose, they lose their focus.  When they lose their focus they feel lost.  Many men attempt to find themselves in unproductive behaviors and this has been labeled a “mid-life crisis.”

My main point of these posts, as well as my private intensive, The 2nd Passage, is to help men realize that they do have a mission and purpose in life.  And once they find it they can live a life of power, purpose, passion and perseverance!

I hope is that through these series of posts and The 2nd Passage, I will help men who, admittedly or not, are experiencing a mid-life emptiness and guide them back to manhood and step into their masculinity…without becoming a jerk.

The is the last trait that falls under the category of “Mental Habits”


Purpose Focused Man

  • Supreme pleasure in creating something where once nothing existed.
  • Loves to solve problems
  • Turns problems into opportunities and turn opportunities into achievements
  • Predictable pattern of conceiving, developing, refining and brining into realty their ideas
  • 4 stage process
    • 1st – Perceives a need or problem and gains all info about it and then releases the problem and turns attention elsewhere.
    • 2nd – Incubation, lets his unconsciousness mind work on the problem.
    • 3rd  – Spontaneously receives the answer and does receive the answer
    • 4th  – Implement  solution
  • Their life blood

Creativity is the life blood a man with a purpose driven life.  They are actively seeking ways to improve or fix situations, not for themselves…so that others can benefit.  They have developed a process they trust explicitly of finding the problem.  They do this by asking their unconsciousness mind to solve it, letting the problem go out of mind being open and respective to the answer that always shows up.

Using this creativity perspective all they see are opportunities around them, there are no problems, just situations that haven’t been solved yet.

This creativity energizing them everyday…they can’t wait see what they’ll discover next.    They’re like a rhino charging through the jungle.

No Purpose, Unfocused Man

  • What for someone else to solve the problem, after all, they didn’t create it.
  • Follow the crowd
  • Why waste their time on a solution if they aren’t going to get paid for it
  • Not my job

The man not on the path of a purpose driven life see’s obstacles and problems all around and complains that “somebody” needs to fix it.

They follow the rest of the cows and complain about that they’re not being taken care of.

They see “problems” as someone else’s job to fix, not theirs.

They live a sad and uninspired life with no creative outlet, except for how to watch two channels at the same time.

Self Assessment

So looking at the characteristic of this mental strength behavior of creativity for a man with a purpose driven life, take this quick survey and see how well you’re doing… and please have the courage to be honest with yourself.

Creativity: The habit of creatively turning problems into opportunities. The ability to conceive, develop, refine, and transform one’s opportunities into successes.

1                            2                            3                            4                            5

Never                  Seldom               Sometimes        Often                   Always

OK guys…I hope you’re beginning to get a sense of where you are.  And there is not right or wrong place.  And the awareness will help make a decision on what action to take.

If this post has raised some questions, consider investing in yourself, your vision and your life.  Take a look at The 2nd Passage for a way to put your power, passion and purpose into action and life a purposed driven life.

I’ll leave you with this quote:

“Necessity is the mother of invention.” – Plato

In other words, what this means is difficult situations inspire ingenious solutions.

You are your biggest supporter.

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