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Mental Strength



Mental Strength Habits Of A Purpose Focused Man – Part IV

Welcome back the continuation of this series entitled “Mental Strength Habits Of A Purpose Focused Man”

We’ve been breaking down 21 habits, one by one, of men with a purpose driven life.  These habits are in 5 categories; mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and finances.

If this is your first time here the link back to “Mental Strength Habits Of A Purpose Focused Man – Part I.

I want to mention again, my belief is that there is no “mid-life crisis” for men…well generally speaking.

What I think a “mid-life crisis” is, is a lack of focus and purpose.  When we lose our purpose, we lose our focus.  When we lose our focus we feel lost.  And many men attempt to find themselves in unproductive behaviors.

My main point of these posts and my private intensive, The 2nd Passage, is to help men realize that they do have a mission and purpose in life.  And once they find it they can live a life of power, purpose, passion and perseverance!

I hope is that through this series of posts and The 2nd Passage, I will help men who, admittedly or not, are experiencing a mid-life emptiness and guide them back to manhood and step into their masculinity…without becoming a jerk.

So…now let’s take a look at the first category of a highly focused purpose driven man.

The first falls under the category of “Mental Habits”

Search for Knowledge:

Purpose Focused Man

  • Insatiable search for knowledge
  • There is no luck, or they make their own “luck” from use of their knowledge
  • Flexible in the values that drive them towards excellence – not workaholics
  • Continual search for why and how things work and what motivates men
  • Reads biographies
  • Uses Albert Korzybski’s principle of “time binding” learn from past experiences and pass them on to future generations
  • Searches for time-tested process and use them in today’s situations with positive energy
  • They understand the quote “The more I learn the more I don’t know the more I want to learn” – Albert Einstein

What this mental strength habit is about is embracing the quest of knowledge.  A man living a purpose driven life is constantly looking for ways to learn more, not just for knowledge itself, but how to apply this knowledge to reach his personal goals and personal success.

The purposed focused man is living a life with passion, power and perseverance searching for new knowledge and to apply it.

He’s not content simply building a collection of books, audio’s, etc.  He’s on a quest to discover himself and the world around him.

He reads and takes action on all knowledge he acquires, this then becomes wisdom

He looks for other successful men that lived a life of purpose and models them using the principle of “time binding.

He knows that knowledge adds to his passion for living a life of purpose.

This knowledge will aid in creating flexibility in his behaviors so that he is not stuck in one way of thinking or doing.

A man living a purpose driven life doesn’t look at how much he knows, but how much more he can learn.

No Purpose, Unfocused Man

  • Dissipate their minds by watching TV.  They surrender their lives to live vicariously through others via TV which is aimed at the lowest common denominator of unintelligence
  • Waist their brain power
  • Think they know everything
  • Favorite phrase “I know that” or “I’ve heard that before”
  • Prejudges and judges others quickly
  • Scared their limited view of reality will be destroyed
  • Meager base of knowledge
  • No real thought of investigation
  • Expect others it live into their limited view of reality
  • Self imposed limits (beliefs, values)
  • Quite desperation

A man without a life purpose and focus looks to TV for his “education.”  He feels he has learned enough already and wants nothing better than to live vicariously through sports, reality shows and the news.

When presented with an opportunity to learn more they’re mantra is “I know that.”

Because of the inflexibility a man not living a purpose driven life is quick to judge and prejudge based on his limited experience not his knowledge.

He’s not curious about the world and is content to graze in the pastures with the other cows, fenced in by his limiting beliefs and incongruent value system.

A man not seeking more knowledge is living a life of quite desperation.

Self Assessment

So looking at the characteristic of this mental strength behavior of a man with a purpose driven life, take this quick survey and see how well you’re doing… and please have the courage to be honest with yourself.

Search for Knowledge: The habit of continually increasing one’s knowledge base

through study and reading, especially biographies that provide positive role models from

which one can build success blueprints. Continually learning from the experiences of others and applying that learning to everyday learning.

1                            2                            3                            4                            5

Never                  Seldom               Sometimes        Often                   Always

OK guys…I hope this one ruffled some feathers, or at least is causing you to look outside your pasture and wonder.

If this post has raised some questions, consider investing in yourself, your vision and your life.  Take a look at The 2nd Passage for a way to put your power, passion and purpose into action and life a purposed driven life.

I’ll leave you with this quote:

“”The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is a knowledge of our own ignorance.” – Benjamin Franklin

You are your biggest supporter.

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