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Mental Strength



Mental Strength Habits Of A Purpose Focused Man – Part 13

Welcome back the continuation of this series entitled “Mental Strength Habits Of A Purpose Focused Man”

We’ve been breaking down 21 habits of a purposed focused man one. A man with a purpose driven life exhibits specific qualities in 5 segments of his life, these segments are:

  • Mental
  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Financial
  • Spiritual

If this is your first time here the link back to “Mental Strength Habits Of A Purpose Focused Man – Part I.

There is no “mid-life crisis” for men…generally speaking.

This “mid-life crisis” for men is, is just a lack of focus and purpose.  When men lose their purpose, they also lose our focus.  When they lose their focus they feel lost.  And many men attempt to find themselves in unproductive behaviors.

My main point of these posts and my private intensive, The 2nd Passage, is to help men realize that they do have a mission and purpose in life.  And once they find it they can live a life of power, purpose, passion and perseverance!

My hope is that through these series of posts and The 2nd Passage Intensive, I will help men who, admittedly or not, are experiencing a mid-life emptiness and guide them back to manhood and step into their masculinity…without becoming a jerk.

We’ve already covered the mental qualities and well into the emotional habits of a highly focused purpose driven man.  We’ll continue with physical habit:

Resistance to Illness and Disease

Purpose Focused Man:

  • Because of the other physical practices they are almost immune to communicable diseases like colds and flu
  • If they feel like they might be coming down with something they mentally dismiss it from their mind that they don’t have the time to be burdened with such nonsense
  • They know inherently there are in perfect health and their thinking keeps them that way
  • They avoid any advertisements about cold, flu or other medicine to “cure” a health related issue
  • If medical attention is required the recovery time is cut to only a few days
  • On average, live longer then under achievers

A man with a purpose driven doesn’t have time be to “sick” and he inherently knows that he is perfect and well all the time.

He understands that when he is living his life’s purpose there is a immune boosting quality that is generated by this.

When a purpose focused man is following his path nothing can get to him.

No Life Purpose, Unfocused Man

  • Worries about not getting sick
  • Researches the latest disease in the news
  • Has a medicine cabinet full of pills, lotions and potions to fix their health issues
  • Catches a flu, bug or cold every year and losses up to 15 days of work per year.
  • Prime target for all communicable dieses as well as cancer, heart attack etc.

A man with no purpose in life has been exposed to so much information on why he should be sick that he basically has nothing better to do then get sick.  This is not at a consciousness level, but has been “programmed” by the media, doctors and friends.

A man without a purpose driven life has no natural immune boosting help he get’s sick regularly and actually expects this on some level.

Self Assessment

Resistance to Illness and Disease: The habit of harboring and including thoughts and images in mind that are health and vitality-oriented. Maintaining the attitude that you have no time to be burdened with the problem of physical illness.

1                            2                            3                            4                            5

Never                  Seldom               Sometimes        Often                   Always

OK…looking at the above mental strength emotional characteristic for a man with a purpose driven life, take the below survey and see how well you’re doing… and please have the courage to be honest with yourself.

Men, I’m sure by now you’re beginning to get a sense of where you are in Life.  Please remember there is not right or wrong place; it’s just where you are.  The question is, what are you going to do about it!

Are you courageous enough to take action and change?

If this post has raised some questions, consider investing in yourself, your vision and your life.  Take a look at The 2nd Passage for a way to put your power, passion and purpose into action and life a purposed driven life.

I’ll leave you these quote’s:

To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him”.- Buddha

“Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary because health is worth more than learning.” – Thomas Jefferson

You are your biggest supporter.

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