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Mental Strength



Mental Strength And The Will To Do

“The Will To Do” is the greatest mental strength power in the world.  The Will To Do is concerned with individuals achieving personal success that does not take into consideration a persons “limits” in advance.

Think about it, the things that we do now, a few years ago were thought of a being impossible.  I think it’s safe today the universal mantra is “All things are possible.”

The Will To Do is a mental strength force that is extremely practical, yet it’s difficult to define. It can be compared to electricity because we know what electricity is by its’ cause and effects. It is a power we can use and direct and to just the extent we direct it do we determine how it will affect our lives.

Every time you accomplish any personal goal, consciously or unconsciously, you used the mental strength principle of the Will. You can Will to do anything whether it is right or wrong, and therefore the way you use your will makes a big difference in your life.

Every person possesses some “Will To Do.” It is the inner energy which controls all conscious acts. What you will to do directs your life forces. All habits, good or bad, are the result of what you will to do. You improve or lower your condition in life by what you will to do. Your will has a connection with all avenues of knowledge, all activities, all accomplishment.

You probably know of stories where people have shown amazing mental strength under extreme circumstances.  For instance, I think we’ve all heard of the story of a grandmother lifting a car that had pined her grandson. Or even President Washington at Valley Forge and crossing the Delaware River in the middle of winter.  In both these cases, and numerous similar events, it was the “Will To Do” that was used these extraordinary feats.

Personal success is using the mental strength force of the Will To Do the little things under extreme discomfort and pain.

Little Things Done Well Open The Doors Of Opportunity For Personal Success

The Mental strength force of The Will accomplishes far greater results through activities that grow out of focused concentration. It is in the concentration that we direct and use this force the accomplishment of our personal goals.

When you learn so to use it, your Will power becomes a powerful force. Almost everything can be accomplished through its proper use. It is greater than physical force because it can be used to control not only physical but mental and emotional forces.

There are very few that possess perfectly developed and balanced Will power, but those who do easily crush out their weak qualities. Study yourself carefully. Find out your greatest weakness and then use your will power to overcome it. In this way eradicate your faults, one by one, until you have built up a strong character and personality.

Rules for Engagement

A desire or dream comes to you. As part of the achievable outcome process you look at the goal and determine if its’ ecological, that is, good for you, good for others and good for community. If it is not, use your Will power to kill out the desire.  If it is ecological, then use your mental strength force of your Will power to crush all obstacles in your way so that you will successfully reach this personal goal.


Given that you know the majority of information, procrastination is a mental weakness of Will power.

You know you should do something, but you delay doing it through procrastination. It is easier not to do a certain thing than to do it, but your gut says to do it. The vast majority of persons are failures because of the lack of deciding to take action when they should. Those that are successful have been quick to grasp opportunities by making a quick decision and taking action. This power of will can be used to achieve any personal goal whether it’s better health and fitness, deeper relationships or wealth and abundance.


For the next week practice making quicker decisions, maybe set a specific time to get up AND out of bed, arrive at appointments early, order quickly off a menu.    Remember, how you do anything is a reflection of how you do everything.

If you want personal success you have to learn to quick right decisions.  A leader makes the right decision quickly, and if it’s not he makes the decision it right.

By making quick decisions on little things you will build the habit and ability to make quick decisions in bigger things. Never procrastinate. Decide quickly one way or the other even at the risk of deciding wrong. Practice this for a week or two and notice your improvement.

Lack of Initiative

This, too, keeps many people for reaching personal success. These individuals have fallen into the way of just going through the motions. We often hear the expression, “He seems clever enough, but he lacks initiative.”

Life for them is one continuous grind.

Day after day they go through the same monotonous round of duties, while those that are “getting along” are using their initiative to get greater fullness of life. There is nothing so responsible for poverty as this lack of initiative, this power to think and do for ourselves.

You Are as Good as Anyone

You have will power, and when you use it, you will share in the luxuries that life has to offer. So use your will to claim your own personal success. Don’t depend on anyone else to help you. We all have to fight our own battles. All the world loves a hero, while the coward is despised by all.

Every person’s problems are different, so analyze your opportunities and conditions and study your natural abilities and leverage them as best you can. Develop plans for improvement and then put them into action. Don’t just say, “I am going to do so and so,” take action and execute your plan.

Don’t make an indefinite plan, but a definite one, and then don’t give up until your person goal has been accomplished.

Put these suggestions into practice with mental strength intensity, and you’ll soon see amazing results, and your whole life will be completely changed. An excellent mantra to help you is “Start Strong and Finish Stronger!”


The spirit of “sticktoitiveness” is the one that wins. Many go just so far and then give up, whereas, if they had persevered a little longer, they would have reached their goal. Many have much initiative, but instead of concentrating it into a laser focus, they diffuse it through several through “multi-tasking”, thus dissipating their energy to such an extent that its effects are lost.

Develop more determination, which is only the Will To Do, and when you start out to do something stick to it until you get results. Of course, before starting anything you must look ahead and see what the “finish leads to.”

You must select a road that will lead to “somewhere,” rather than “nowhere.” The journey must be productive of some kind of substantial results. The trouble with so many people is that they start a business, project without any end in sight…no real goal.  It’s not so much the start as the finish of a journey that counts. Each little move should bring you closer to a clearly defined personal goal.

Lack of Perseverance

It takes the same energy to say, “I will continue,” as to say, “I give up.” The moment you say “I give up” you shut off your dynamo, and your determination is gone. Every time you allow your determination to be broken you weaken it. Remember this. The very instant you notice your determination beginning to weaken, concentrate on it and by sheer mental strength and Will power and continue.

Always make a decision when you are in a calm state of mind. If you’re angry or upset you’re most likely to say and do things you’ll later regret. When you’re angry, you follow impulse rather than reason. You can only expect to achieve success when you make decisions when you are in full control of our emotions and mental strength forces.

Therefore make it a fixed rule to make decisions only when at your best. If you have a “quick temper,” there some old advice that stills work…count backwards from 10 slowly. To count backwards requires concentration, and you thus quickly regain a calm state. In this way you can break the “temper habit.”

It’s a good idea to think about what you said and thought the last time you were angry so that you can change it.  Think of how you want others to perceive you then begin to live it.

Developing the Will To Do

This is a form of mental strength energy and requires the proper mental attitude to make it manifest. We hear of people having wonderful will power, which isn’t completely correct. It should be said that they have the mental strength capacity to USE their will power while others have not yet developed this mental strength force.

No one has a monopoly on will power, there is plenty for all.

Will power is really nothing but the focusing of mental strength energy, the concentration of this power at one point. We all have this potential in us. Each person develops the exact amount will power they demand. In order to develop more will power you will need to expend all you have to then some, that is you must step out of our comfort zone to develop more will power.  Remember the way in which you use your mental strength and will power determines your fate, for your life is molded to great extent by the use you make of your will and mental strength.

Unless you make proper use of these forces you have not achieve personal success, independence or courage. When you are unable to control yourself you become a mere machine for others to use.

It is more important to learn to use your will than to develop your intellect. The person that has not learned how to use his will rarely decides things for himself, but allows his resolutions to be changed by others.

He who oscillates from one opinion to another does not accomplish anything out of the ordinary, while someone who has developed their mental strength will take their place among the world’s leaders.

Start developing your powers of concentration and will power by enrolling in “Warrior Mind Fundamentals” today.  This online training program will teach and give you the mental strength foundation to take back control of your thoughts.  Take a look at this unique and powerful program HERE.

You are your biggest supporter.

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