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Mental Strength



Keeping Your Dreams Alive

“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.” – Gail Devers

I was talking to someone the other day about how they perceived that their dreams have died. They said they used to believe in love, abundance and happiness and thought they would have a great and wonderful life.

They never imagined in their wildest dreams (or nightmares) that they would be divorced twice and on the verge of bankruptcy. They said that “…nothing happened the way they thought it should.”

I know from coaching that many people feel the same way. Many believe that their dreams have vanished, never to be realized and feeling hopeless about the future.

Before we continue let’s take a look at the above statement “nothing happened the way it should.”

First the word ‘nothing’ is a generalization. When we use a generalization to describe our experience we automatically delete any circumstances to the contrary.

When I dug deeper with one client and asked “Nothing? Really…you never had one single happy and loving moment?”   They had to admit they had one.  Then when we probed further and found that there were numerous situations in which they felt loved, happy and abundant.

This helped them realize that there were significant moments in their relationships in which they WERE living their dream.

The next part of the statement we examined is ‘should.’  When we use the word ‘should’ this is a strong indication that the outcomes are someone else’s and not our own.

When I asked who’s voice was saying their life ‘should’ be this way or that?  They confessed that a majority of the voice were the “media”, i.e. magazines, movies, books.

Just to stop you here….you may think that this person was a female (or maybe not) and I can tell you that this scenario holds true for ALL of us, it doesn’t matter what sex you are, we all have ‘should” voices in our heads.

The last part that I want to examine in the statement is the presupposition of permanence. The word ‘happened’ indicates finality.   And I think we call agree that as long as you’re alive nothing is final right?

So, how about you?

How often to you think in the privacy of your mental closet, where no one can enter, that “nothing happened the way it should.”

Well guess what?

The truth is your dreams haven’t died…your beliefs died.

Deep down inside you still have your dreams of how you would like to live your life. But somewhere along the line you allowed outside events and circumstances to steal them.

Yes, I did say ‘allow’.  You see no person, place or thing can take anything internally from you, i.e. dreams, happiness, love, unless you give them permission.

You see, your dreams haven’t change, they are still there, but your beliefs that you can have them have been replaced.

You may have dreamed of being married for life and living a storybook life, or maybe being single so you can explore the world on your own terms, or maybe you even dreamed of owning your own business…but today this simply isn’t your reality.

Does this really mean your dreams are dead?


What happened was that you were skipping merrily along down the road called Your Life thinking one thing and someone throws you a curve ball, disrupts your carefully thoughts our plans and knocks you off your feet.

These events started to slowly erode your beliefs of about what your life ‘should’ be like a little bit at a time. There are many factors that contribute to weakening your beliefs; this is called “life.”  They are the things that you didn’t expect to happen.

All these ‘bad’ experiences can slowly, like some kind of water dripping torture, dissolve our beliefs and actually change them.

Because all of these contributing factors added up to not getting what it you ultimately desired doesn’t mean that it’s too late.  Like I tell my clients, “The race isn’t over.”

And here’s the rub, your beliefs have changed and whatever you believe to be true…is true. So it goes to say that if you truly believe you can’t or won’t have what you want, you won’t.

It’s that simple and it’s that straight forward!

Here’s the thing, you really never “lost” your dreams.  They are still very much alive, but are so deeply buried inside you because of all of the disappointment and hurt along the way that you really don’t believe the dream is still there.

When you can become honest with yourself and release of all the past “stuff” you will see that underneath it all you still have hopes, dreams and aspirations.

Your dreams haven’t gone away and now it’s time to face the real culprit of not having what you want; your beliefs. It’s all of these little factors that have ripped apart and changed your beliefs.

What you believed then and what you believe now are two totally different things. And if YOU don’t believe you can have what you want how do you ever expect to get it?

The bottom line is that in order to even have a fighting chance of living your dreams you have to change what it is you’ve chosen to believe. You have to find that faith and undying belief that you CAN have what you desire.

That is the primary focus of The Warriors Quest.  For 2 ½ days we work on uncovering your purpose, vision, mission and changing those beliefs that are holding you back from your living dreams.

Then in the year that follows we create a dream creation plan.

We change your focus from: It’s never going to happen for me, not now, not ever, it’s too late, I’m too old, too tired, it’s too hard, it’s too bad etc.

Instead we help you focus on: I know that dreams do come true. I know that what I keep my thoughts focused on will be what I experience. I believe in abundance, goodness, love and faith.

However you do it, when you find a way to persuade yourself that you are the creator of your life and you can life a life of power, purpose and passion you will be that much closer to living an empowered life full of hope, dreams and aspirations

Follow your dreams, believe in yourself again and know that you CAN have whatever you believe you can.

Here’s a little tidy to inspire you:


You are your biggest supporter.

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