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Mental Strength



Intent, Behaviors And Personal Success – Part 2

Welcome back to Intent, Behaviors And Personal Success this is Part 2.

We finished last week with the thought of now having the intent of always being right, not in a ‘wrong vs. right’ way, but in a correct and supportive way. Every thing that you do will be designed to create this intent. Your actions will reinforce it. Your motivation will be to achieve it. Your intent becomes your personal goal, it becomes your focus. Every behavior you carry out will be to reinforce this intent and thus getting you closer to your personal success.

Today I’m going to finish up this topic by digging a bit deeper to find out your intent to help you reach your personal goals and achieve personal success.

Unlocking Your Intent

To know your intent you need to ask yourself:

  • What is the reason why I am doing this?
  • What do I believe about myself, in relation to this situation?

By knowing your intent you can then modify your behaviors. By knowing your intent you can articulate it to others. Knowing your intent allows you to decide what behaviors will reinforce it so that you will achieve your personal success. Making your intent very powerful and successful will assist you in reaching your personal goals.

If you know your intent and you like it then celebrate this!

Not Unlocking Your Intent

You can choose to know your intent or you can choose to ignore it. However just because you’re not aware of it doesn’t mean you don’t have one.  Your intent won’t go away.

To ignore your intent is to resign yourself to a life of disempowerment, conflict and difficult relationships. Ignoring your intent is like ignoring your personal goals.

Not being aware of your intent IS your intent.

Sometimes you may avoid knowing your intent because of fear of what you might learn about yourself. This fear is so much less than the feeling of disempowerment. If your intent is not to know about your drivers and beliefs, then your belief is ignorance.

You choose to value ignorance. In choosing to value ignorance you choose not to value learning, growth, openness and many other values.

Choosing to value ignorance means you are choosing to ignore others as well. If your intent is ignorance then imagine the behaviors that would go with this intent!

Sometimes we believe we have a certain intent and then we find out that our intent wasn’t realized. This can be quite a shock to us. Initially we might go to that place of blaming someone from stopping us to achieve our intent.

Hopefully you won’t stay here for too long. Asking yourself what stopped you from achieving your intent may help you to realize that you were actually not committed to that intent and so another intent was over riding it.

A Quick Story

Let’s take a look at Cassandra…

Cassandra was planning out her day. She checked her schedule and it all looked exactly as she had planned. She had her appointments and then mid morning she would take a break and do a yoga class.

She got up early and started working through her schedule. The appointment just before her yoga class was to discuss a new system in the organization she worked in. She joined the meeting and became so absorbed in getting the system right that she didn’t notice the time.

She quickly left the meeting and arrived at her yoga class ten minutes late. Her yoga school had a policy that you cannot enter the room if the class has already started. They told Cassandra that they would not allow her to do yoga. This enormously shocked Cassandra and as she walked away she felt a tear of frustration hit her cheek.

Why had this happened?

She had spent her whole morning preparing for this yoga session. It helped her stay focused and fit. Her whole intent had been to go to yoga, so why had she missed it?

After a few deep breaths Cassandra stopped and reflected. She had decided, in the meeting prior to yoga that getting a work system right was more important than her yoga session. When she thought back to it she realized that she had even thought in the meeting of perhaps cancelling her yoga so she could complete the meeting. Her intent had shifted.

She had decided that her work was more important than her yoga session.

So why was Cassandra so shocked when she found out she wasn’t going to be able to do yoga?

Because at that moment in time, she realized that she had failed to achieve her intent. She could spend some time getting angry with herself or she could evaluate very quickly which intent she wanted to commit to.

A choice was necessary and in order to continue to trust herself she needed to commit to one intent and trust herself to do this.

The Power of Intent

Self-awareness is built on knowing your intent.  But you haven’t fully unlocked the power of Intent yet.

Intent is mighty powerful. It can shift mountains, it can change anything, and it can create anything.

However the greatest and most powerful element of intent is that you can create whatever intent you want:

  • If you want to create the intent that the world is beautiful then the world is beautiful. If you want to create the intent that you are successful, then you will be successful.
  • If you want to create the intent that you are a victim, then you will be a victim.
  • If you want to create the intent that you are better than others, then you will put others down to achieve this. If you want to create the intent to love others, then you will love others.
  • If you want to cerate the intent that you will reach your personal goals and personal success…you will.

Whatever your intent is, you will achieve it.

Remember though that having something this powerful in your control is huge. You can make it work for good or bad. It is completely your intent as to how you use it and it is working ALL the time!


  • How aware are you of your intent behind every behavior?
  • What can you put in place, i.e. a practice, to learn more about your intent?
  • What intent would you like to create right now?


Our intent is your aim, our personal goal in life.

Our intent tells us that we have decided to uphold a certain belief and we are now going to model that belief. In my coaching I need to determine what my intent is, for myself and my client, at the beginning of each coaching session.

If my intent is to create a powerful space then that is what I’ll do. If before any coaching session if my intent is not honoring both parties then I need to know this before I start so that I can remedy this.

Hey I’m human and yes there days when my intent might not be to most positively focused. It is important for me to recognize this for the benefit of my client, I don’t sit there and beat myself up for “slip”, but rather I decide whether this is the intent I want to continue to have for the rest of the day, if not…I change it.

My self-awareness is paramount to the success of my coaching. The more I know about my intent the better I am able to assist myself and my clients.

Supporting my clients in knowing their intent is part of my role as a coach. I don’t have to know what their intent is but rather support them in revealing it to themselves. I do this by asking them about their actions and what drives their actions. I support them by asking them what intent they wish to create and then we can hold this intent for them. I can visualize this intent for them and I can enthuse them to achieve it.

The Role of Meditation and Deep Breathing

To assist you in finding your intent I suggest meditating regularly. More and more people, including CEO’s in large corporations are recognizing the importance of meditation.

It is no longer a practice for spiritualists only. We now know so much about the importance of meditation in our daily life and it is being practiced more and more in board-rooms across the globe.

I encourage you to take the time out to stop and breathe deeply and slowly. To help I have produced several mediation audios that use brain-sync/ hemispheric synchronization technology, Contact Me if you would like more info.

There is a growing belief that the only way to solve world conflict is through meditation. In some cultures war has been occurring for many generations. It is now part of the culture.

The way forward is to go within. This is meditation. We can only know or change ourselves. Through meditation, you can draw from your unconscious mind information about your entrenched beliefs and bring them to your conscious mind. This will support you in knowing your intent.


  • What questions can you ask yourself to help discover your intent?
  • What process or ritual do you have in place to create an intent before your engage in an important meeting?
  • What was your intent when you decided to do what you are doing?

Well that does it for this topic.  I hope you found the information helpful and it created some internal dialogue.

I’d like to hear from you about this, please share your thoughts in the comments below.

You are your biggest supporter.

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