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Hypnosis, Imagery and Personal Success

17th century representation of the 'third eye'...
Image via Wikipedia

Hypnosis with regard to sports performance is an accepted area that is used to improve the performance of athletes, both at the amateur as well as professional level.

More recently the amazing power of hypnosis for athletes has been increasingly extensively recognized here in the U.S. For many years in the Eastern European countries have utilized hypnosis with their athletes and have experienced a significant distinction in their athlete’s performance.

If you look at the top 10% of athletes what separates the elite 1-2% from the rest?

It’s not that they’ve practiced more or have more skill and talent, at this level of performance they’ve all put in the hard work and honed their skills to a fine science.

So what does make the difference?

Their mind…specifically their imagination and their use of visualization.

So, if Olympic athletes use hypnosis shouldn’t you?

Let’s look at how an athlete uses hypnosis as well as visualization.

Visualization, Imagery and Hypnosis

Mental imagery, sometimes know as visualization, is the method used to recreate experiences in the mind using information from real events. This information is stored in our memory. Dreaming is a scattered form of imagery and the imagery. The visualization of interested here is structured imagery, where the athlete uses his or her imagination in a controlled fashion to recreate specific images for a precise goal.

There is a difference between visualization and imagery. Imagery is full body sensation, i.e. see, feel, smell, and touch the experience. Visualization is only “seeing” the experience. It has been found that imagery is the more powerful of the two.

There a three main ways of imagery. 1st person, you see and experience the event thorough your eyes as you are the competitor. 2nd person, you’re watching from the standpoint of a spectator or coach, and 3rd person, it’s like you’re watching a movie, detached from the entire event.

Research has shown that the most effect perception to use is 1st person. In addition, research also shows that the more able an athlete is to control his or her imagined movements, emotions, sounds etc, the greater the potential performance enhancement.

As for hypnosis, there’s nothing mythical about it…all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. The process of hypnosis is nothing more then getting the brain into the Alpha state. This is a state where there is direct access to the sub/un-conscious mind. Basically this is simply a method of inducing a state of heightened relaxation and awareness. And when achieved, provides an ideal mental environment in which to practice imagery.

Indeed, the effects of imagery can be even more powerful when practiced in an Alpha state (hypnotic).

How Imagery Works

Research has shown that visualizing a specific muscle movement (in the mind) can create electrical activity in that same muscle even though there’s no actual movement in the muscle itself! In addition, the specific pattern of muscle activity closely resembles that seen during actual movement.

So what does this mean?

  • Detailed and controlled imagery can stimulate electrical impulses in the desired muscles, and then those ‘primed’ muscles are ready for the physical activities that follow.


  • Physical skills can be maintained or even improved by proper imagery when practice isn’t possible, i.e. injury, off season, etc. Evidence also suggests that using imagery can even accelerate rehabilitation and recovery after injury.

As for the best type of imagery to use, until recently evidence suggested it depends on what you’re trying to achieve. For the acquisition or improvement of sports skills, it was thought that using an external perspective (i.e. that of spectator) was best for learning or retaining those skills. For ‘psyching yourself up’ or priming yourself for an event, an internal perspective (i.e. imagining the feelings in the muscle) produced better results.

Now, new research indicates that the best results are archived when using first person or internal perspective, although there are benefits from the second person perspective as well.

Combined with other techniques, such as the use of music, imagery can enhance performance or enter the Alpha state. Combining both mental imagery practice and physical practice can be more effective than physical practice alone. Data from various studies have also shown that mental imagery conducted in a state of hypnosis (Alpha) results in far more vivid and realistic imagery than without.

The practical use of imagery while in hypnotic (Alpha) state is numerous. It can be used for skill learning, preparation for an event, injury healing and what if scenarios.

Practical Use of Hypnosis

Aside from being extremely relaxing and enjoyable in its’ own right, hypnosis can enhance the efficacy of the imagery techniques outlined above and assist in developing mental strength, personal success and person empowerment. The heightened state of awareness that hypnosis produces will enable you to tap the power of your subconscious mind.  You experience a more vivid mental rehearsal, and so benefit from more effective ‘muscular reprogramming’, whatever your sport, occupation or goal. Remember, if you can imagine it, you can achieve it!

If you’d like to known more about how hypnosis or NLP can assist you with your personal success, please Contact Me.

Now let me hear from you….how do you think you can use hypnosis and/or imagery in your life?  Let me know in the comments below.  

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