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Mental Strength



How To Manifest A Workable Life

What is a perfect life?

Is there really such a thing?

For me it must include living with power, purpose and passion.

But the answer to the question of a perfect life is surprisingly NO…there is no “perfect life.”

However, what we can look at is what we can do to transform a life that’s not working for us into a workable life that is fulfilling, happy and abundant. We can manifest a workable life, one that appears to be perfect.

Just as there are a no perfect people, no perfect relationships, there is no perfect life, but there is a workable life.  A life that moves smoothly and effortlessly filled with joy and happiness.

Our view of a perfect life is so subjective, that a life that seems boring and lacks excitement for us may be the ultimate life for someone else.

The good news is that there things you can do to manifest a life of workability, a life full of power, purpose and passion…a life of meaning, fulfillment, joy, happiness and abundance.   This is the exact purpose of The Warriors Quest.  It is to help a person understand what a workable life is and a put plan together to create such a life.

Until you can participate in The Warriors Quest here are 9 Mental Strength principles to help you adjust your thinking about a perfect life and to manifest a workable life.

When you embrace these principles they will help shift your perspective about you, others and life.  They will provide the self-empowerment to create a workable life.

Principle 1:  You are not perfect – no one is. Think of all the opportunities that have passed you by while you waited for “the perfect time”, “the perfect place”, “the perfect people” or “the perfect situation.”

Do you think the Universe rewards people for waiting to be perfect?


The Universe rewards those who take action with what they have at that time and make the most of it.

Stop trying to achieve perfection. Seek workability; this will lead to happiness and fulfillment that will include all the parts of you…your strengths and “weaknesses.”

Just imagine all the people who are wish they could be living YOUR life right now!

 Principle 2: Someone in the world thinks you have the perfect life – so start to live it. If you are still unhappy, then put a plan in place to make your life workable and start taking action, be the example others are looking for.

All the time, keeping in mind that right now and right here someone does think you are living “the perfect life”, so why not begin to enjoy what you have?

Principle 3: Don’t try to please everyone. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to do things to make other people happy. Stop trying to please other people, and focus on pleasing your self!  After all living a ‘perfect’ life is about feeling happy right?

So if you’re so focused on pleasing others you’ll never feel happy, because your happiness is then tied to their happiness….I believe this is called codependency.

Imagine how frustrating it is trying so hard to please someone else and keep coming up short.

Hello!!! Reality check….This is YOUR life, not theirs.

The sooner you start pursuing your own passions and happiness, the sooner you will achieve a workable life.

Principle 4: Be part of the things you believe in – don’t be forced into things just because everyone else has done it.

Is it workable and joyous to suffer in silence when you don’t like your job, just because the 5 generations before you were in the same line of work?

Don’t be a sales executive if you want to be a business owner.

Don’t be forced into a religion that doesn’t resonate with you, just because your parents shared their faith with you.  Explore many spiritual practices and find the one that works for you.

We tend to make our decisions unconsciously based on others.  Take some time to think about and write down what you resonate with and believe in.

The life you are living is the consequence of your decisions.

Principle 5: Choose your friends with care. Be with like-minded people who will support, encourage and help you create a workable life. Create an inner circle of friends who will encourage you to be your best and will not judge you when you faultier.

Friends are meant to make life more joyful, beautiful, pleasant and workable, not to make it a living hell full of chaos, turmoil and criticism.

Good and supportive friends are critical in creating a workable life.

Principle 6: Help others whenever you can. Always remember this – you will always get back what you put in.  The “others” can be human, animal or the environment.

Doing good for others will raise your vibration so that you can receive your “rewards.”

Turn away from the needs of others – or worse – do others harm…well then you will welcome the same thing into your life.

You know the unexplainable happiness and satisfying feeling you get after helping someone out?

That’s the kind of stuff that helps you achieve a workable life.

You see, you rep what you sew…this is Karma…for the good and the bad.

Principle 7: Focus only on the positive. Of course, without pain, you won’t appreciate comfort. Without failure you won’t pursue success. Without unhappiness, you won’t know what joy is.

And really for every negative event, there is a silver lining.

Failure teaches us to be resilient and really there is no failure, only feedback.

Pain we feel with “failure” teaches us to be mentally strong.

In order to create a workable life, you must keep your eye on the positive, because this is what will make the entire journey worthwhile.

In every experience there are learning’s, look for the learning’s that will help you create a workable life.

Principle 8: Remember that you cannot be anyone else but you. No matter how much you imitate others, you can never be them. No matter how much you pattern your life after someone else’s, it’s still your life.

The media’s job is to bombard us with fantasy images of the perfect life. Sure, you can use the images for motivation; just don’t try to become the images!

Stop thinking that being someone else is better for you – because you never will be someone else. You are unique, so appreciate your individuality. Stop wishing for a life you don’t have.

Inside you are a set of very special skills, talents and qualities that are unique to you and only you.  Embrace them and express them to the world everyday!  This will manifest a workable life.

 Principle 9: Your perception of the world will alter your life. When you start thinking that you ARE successful, the Universe will manifest that in your life.

If you keep thinking that you can do it, then you will be. This is called the power of positive intention. Your intention changes your perception, your perception is what you look for and what you look for you find or create.

Then when you create what you indented, you believe and this sets a new positive intention and ….well you get the picture.  In the end, you are a product of the way you think.

So, there you have it, 9 Mental Strength principles to create NOT a perfect life, but a workable life.  I think when you start you experience a workable life you’ll realize that it is a perfect life.

If you would like to find out how you can create a workable life go ahead and request your Introductory Consultation today…or better yet, contact me to make plans to participate on your private and uniquely personal Warriors Quest.

You are your biggest supporter.

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