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How to Experience Intense Personal Growth

Going through personal intensive growth means living through a process that will metamorphose all aspects of one’s life. It is all-inclusive and encompasses what is contained in the past, the present and the future of the individual who wants to experience the change.

Defining Intensive Personal Growth

In the broadest sense, intensive personal growth and transformation begins first of all with healing at the deepest level of hurt. From there, the individual who is trying to achieve transformation looks at all the areas of his or her life to go beyond therapy. The next step in the process would be to move towards discovering and realizing their full human potential.

Some of the most vital elements of this transformation would mean devoting concentrated effort and substantial time in successive segments to reflection, discovering options, developing plans, strengthening skills and stepping away from destructive behavior patterns. The methods used to arrive at transformation include critical reflection, self-analysis, meditation and therapy.

Personal Growth Intensive as a Course

The other way of looking at this type of growth and transformation is to take a look at Personal Growth Intensive which has become the title of an established and increasingly popular course.

The approach in this course will generally be psycho-social and would include experiential techniques that combine alternative and traditional methods.

As a course, personal growth intensive normally uses retreats as the bedrock for individuals and couples who are trying to deal with issues. These deep-seated issues may include trauma and abuse. At the core of these courses would be a re-engineering of people’s thought processes to get rid of self-defeating behavior, co-dependency, addiction and other burdens that limit self-realization.

Unanimously, their ads will make mention that the course will help the individual achieve several important things. Among these would be:

  • Self-awareness and forgiveness
  • Spiritual, mental, emotional and physical healing and improvement
  • Reduction of stress and conflict
  • Joy in life
  • Healthy relationships
  • Openness to a better life path and the steps to do it
  • Better financial management

Usual Course Methodologies

Usually the courses would take a considerable amount of time which is understandable considering the change that they want to effect. Some will hold the weekend sessions in retreat centers that provide isolation and spread the schedule over the better part of a year. The most common method s or techniques in these courses would be:

  • Meditation exercises with guided visualization
  • Physical exercise
  • Hypnosis
  • Group and individual therapy exercises
  • Interactive lectures
  • Re-education on addictions, co-dependency and other self-destructive  behavior
  • Care of self teachings

Intensive Personal Growth as an Individual Effort

Is it possible to undergo this process individually, without the help and support of a class or a group?

Some would say that it is not possible but others would say of course it is.

Possibly transformation can be achieved to a certain degree by reading, watching videos and listening to audios. The individual who wants to fly solo on this undertaking would of course still have to set aside time for meditation, reflection and other exercises that self-help books invariably recommend.

In addition, there may be aspects in the transformation where the help of a professional would be most welcome, if not necessary. To name a few, these aspects would cover addictions, recurring symptoms from past trauma and extreme despondency.

In addition to the psychological issues where expert opinions would make a big difference, financial matters sometimes need the services of professionals. Services along this line would include debt reduction, advice on mortgages and insurance, tax concerns and investment options.

Whichever option an individual chooses, it is good to take note that today’s global village makes help possible through many ways: books and magazines, classes, online resources and self-help videos. When these prove to be insufficient, there is always a formal retreat or course to enroll in. The only thing that is needed is to take the first step.

If you’re looking to participate in a personal growth and transformation intensive check out The Warrior Quest.

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