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7 Steps to Building a High-Performance Team

Walking into a bookstore, it is highly likely you’ll find a book on teams. Hundreds of titles dealing with team-building and leadership are printed annually. While each author offers a slightly different method and language, everyone agrees that extraordinary teamwork is what matters. Having a high-performance team is important, regardless of industry.

But what does it take to have a high-performance team?

Well, the first step is to transform a person’s way of thinking. How individuals think in a team impact their ability to collaborate on projects. This also impacts the relationships and trust they have. How a team thinks and acts as a whole, will impact the results they have. Especially in cases where the going gets tough.

Think about the current state of your company. How is your business model working for you? If it isn’t doing what it should, then you need to make adjustments. You’ll need to find an innovative and effective way to improve the effectiveness of your team.

Here are a few simple steps to create a high-performance team:

Build Alignment, Create Vision and Work on Commitment – When a leader decides on a vision, the team can begin to form. Before this, a team cannot exist. Teams will learn how to interact with each other effectively. Together, they will work on fulfilling a vision and doing what they can to get the results where they need to be.

Focus on Generating Powerful Actions – The high-performance team has the ability to increase their velocity. With focus, they’ll be more innovative and execute ideas effectively and faster than the competition.

Building, Managing and Securing Relationships – With a higher level of creativity, integrity and commitment, teams are able to build their trust and working relationship with other team members. These individuals are able to better maintain their focus and while working together make an impact on the market.

The team dynamic also reduces breakdowns, overtime and loss. All while building intellectual capital. High-performance teams build their relationships among those who have a common goal. Through deeper levels of trust, teams are able to create powerful collaborative projects that deliver excellence. For teams to achieve power, they must work on building a tighter bond and create some authenticity among themselves.

[color-box]How Do Peak Performers Think? Find Out HERE[/color-box]

Commitment Based Team Work – Having a high-performance team means having commitments in place that focus on the actual team. You should have a solid team in place that looks not only at the techniques that are found in a book. They should create commitments that are captured from their heart and soul, to create a truly authentic team.

Doing this helps to manifest a team that has a vision. It becomes one that has a purpose and offers values and a commitment to excellence in the process. For anyone who wants a truly authentic team, they need to look at this step and work on building a commitment within their team. While doing this, it is important to avoid creating a situation where blame is a possible focus. This is done by reducing the chances of a negative mood from darkening a situation and negatively impacting it.

Hold Regular Review Meetings – A high-performance team needs to discover new ways to participate in review meetings. Doing this helps them to collaborate with each other in a more effective manner. These individuals need to discover ways to take control of the meetings and to collaborate on reviewing processes and steps. They need to determine what direction they are headed in towards the mission, review the promises that are being made by individual team members and verify that there is a steady plan in place.

Challenge the Creation of Breakthroughs – Ordinary isn’t something that these steams should look at. Instead, they need to go beyond business as usual and find better ways of handling things. They need to break through the barriers and whenever possible, strive to make a change. Doing this allows teams to be more effective and make an impact. It also separates industry players from the true industry leaders.

Effectively Manage Breakdowns – Instead of letting problems dominate a situation, players need to take action. When a breakdown happens, it is an opportunity to look at the item and create new alternatives to address it. No longer do you have to be limited based on these concerns. Instead, quickly resolving them and then restoring the focus on the ultimate goal helps projects to be handled faster and more effectively. After all, the vision of the team will continue to be the primary focus.

Looking to create a high performance team? Contact Me for more information.

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