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Mental Strength



Gratitude – The Manifestation Accelerator

Gratitude is the manifestation turbo-charger. In fact, it’s one of the most powerful feelings for bringing what you desire for personal success.

When a person thinks about the things, people and experiences that they’re grateful for, their awareness of the good in their life increases, and they start to feel good. What you focus on increases, so the more you feel good about all there is to be grateful for, the more will show up.  This energy can then be transmuted into personal peak performance.

Go ahead, make a list right now of some of the things you’re grateful for, and then think about it any time you accidentally start to worry about what you haven’t got. Gratitude is the manifestation turbo-charger.

Part of gratitude is also acknowledging your subconsciousness mind for its help.  By recognizing, acknowledging and giving gratitude for what you have NOW, you’re “training” your subconsciousness mind to deliver more of the same.

Imagine you have a dog and you’re playing fetch.   You throw a ball (you intention) and you faithful dog (you subconsciousness mind) brings it back to you.  But instead of being grateful, you instead get annoyed with the dog and toss the ball in the trash.  Now imagine repeating this over, and over, and over, and over and…well you get the picture.

How long do you think that dog would continue to go get the ball without being acknowledged?

I can tell you from personal experience, not very long.

So gratitude is not just about appreciating what you have, it’s also acknowledging your unconscious` mind that it’s doing a great job!  In turn your U.M. will want to do MORE for you,

Yes, sometimes it can seem to find things to be grateful for and it may take mental strength.  But by imaging NOT having what you DO have, you can get a sense of truly how successful you are right now.

Then with the help your loyal companion (U.M.) you can continue on your quest for peak performance and personal success, knowing the more you are grateful for the more will come your way.

Take a look at this video about gratitude and see how you feel:

[hdplay id=2 width=400 height=400 ]

I’d like hear from you and three things you are grateful for right now, in the comments below.

You are your biggest supporter.

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