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Evolution Of The Awakened Warrior – Part 2

Last week I started to discuss the process and Stages of the Awakened Warrior.  Today I’m going to continue with Stages 5 through 8.

Modern science reports that the entire universe is made up of energy.  The Awakened Warrior’s tell us that this energy is in reality the one presence and power of the universe – omnipresent, all-loving, all-knowing, omnipotent – and at this Universal Mind Energy is individualized in man, as men.  This truth has been realized by Awakened Warrior’s, both men and women in all walks of life, and they are rapidly evolving toward undreamed of personal powers.

They echo to us that, “You live in this world but you are not of it.  You are from a higher realm, with only a spark of remembrance in your deeper mind of all that you once were, and can be.  You must fan that spark.  You must awaken to the power within you – not only for yourself, but for the good of all mankind.”

The truth is, man by himself is simply a victim of circumstances, but when linked with this Higher Power, anything is possible.  When an individual enters this new round of energy…the Stages of the Awakened Warrior, it is so superior to human consciousness that the actions will stagger the imagination of the average “unawakened” person.

Stage 5

In Stage 5, an individual’s consciousness is directed toward the good at least 51% of the time, i.e. the positive thoughts and feelings outweigh the negatives.  Now the clouds seem to part and more sunshine that ever comes into your life.  There is more harmony, money is more plentiful, those old aches and pains are not as frequent, and things seem to be right in your life.

The exceptional heights of sudden miracles and the deep valleys of futility experienced in Stage 4 have passed, and there is more stability and order in life.  The marvels and wonders continued, but they are now recognized as the natural effects of an uplifted consciousness rather than being supernormal.

There is a caution light on this stage, too.  Warrior’s on the path say that this stage is straight and narrow, and if you don’t shield yourself from the race consciousness to ward off its concentrated negative influences, the scales of your mental atmosphere may be tipped and you’ll find yourself backsliding like a roller coaster into Stage 4 again.

It is during Stage 5 that a firm and definite commitment must be made, a contract with your Higher Self, an unwavering dedication to these principles.  In essence, you now take your vows to achieve mastery.

Stage 6

This is the beginning of mastery, the dying to the old consciousness and a rebirth into a new understanding of the cosmic power within.  This consciousness knows only the spiritual warrior, and is content to simply express this joyful communion.  Very little outer work is done during the stage, and is referred to as the “Sabbath Stage.”

When you reach this level, you know you are the Power and being a time of rest this knowing is enough.  By the Law of Consequence, you experience harmony and there is no strong desire to reach out and demonstrate your realization.

Stage 7

Here you understand that you now have the Power to establish a life of heaven on earth in this current incarnation – and you begin to use the Power accordingly.  Creative imagination becomes a major factor in the stage and through it; you find the world being shaped by your thoughts.  You quickly attract the work that is best suited for your talents and where you can experience the greatest fulfillment.

There is financial security because all the money you need to achieve your purpose is being attracted to you in abundant measure – and so it is.  Your health is excellent, and your relationship with others is loving and caring.  The basic thinking of Stage 7 is to get your life up to the standard of your highest vision, and to achieve the maximum degree of living.

While this might sound as is Stage 7 is completely self-oriented, it must be pointed out that this stage represents a greater degree of giving than the others before it.  Reason: At this level the Awakened Warrior knows that they cannot use the power for only for themselves without the declaring the same good for all others within the range of their consciousness and beyond.  So at Stage 7, when an Awakened Warrior sees themselves as a whole and complete, they see everyone else according to this same heightened standard.

Stage 8

At Stage 8, you know that your life is now in a more advanced stage – you’re reaching wholeness in mind and body and your spiritual nature is in a higher degree of radiation.

Your desires are fulfilled, so your attention begins to focus outwardly almost exclusively, and as if by chance people are attracted to you for guidance and counseling.  In this stage you have remarkable healing powers for another’s bodies and affairs, but your effectiveness depends to a great extent on the receptivity of the individual being treated.

For that reason, you usually will not attract those who knew you when you were living at the “lower” vibration consciousness.

It is during this stage that you will find new insights in the ancient teachings.  This gift of wisdom and understanding will enable you to develop a new way of thinking and teaching based on the extension of this sacred body of knowledge, and you’ll spend much time absorbing these new concepts and preparing the message for the people of the world.

Interested in starting your awakened journey, find out more at The Warriors Quest.

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