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Mental Strength



Energizing For Personal Success – Part 1

“Act enthusiastic and you will be enthusiastic.”  – Dale Carnegie

In my coaching one thing I love to do is “enthuse” my clients, so that they’ll be excited and take action on reaching their personal goals and personal success.

Some may call this “motivating”, but when you look at motivation extrinsic motivation (me motivating my clients) produces temporary results.   I did a series on the subject of motivation if you’d like to learn more.

To “enthuse” someone means to make someone enthusiastic about something, i.e. going after their personal goals. The act of enthusing involves “energizing” the moment and the recipient.  Enthusiasm comes from within, and actually its’ root mean “Sprit within.”

Energizing is about supporting, motivating and enthusing both our selves and others. We all know motivation can be intrinsic but we also know that positive energy is contagious.

Negative energy is also contagious so we need to make a choice as to whether we want to move forward positively as we achieve personal success and energizing others as we go along.

I would say that fundamentally, all humans desire to move forward positively.

Hawkins (2002) conducted a study around the levels of human consciousness and the energy fields connected to them. Specific energy fields were localized to a range of values that corresponded to sets of attitudes and emotions. The results of this study are extraordinary. Hawkins places the values on a scale of 1-1000, 1000 being the highest level of energy.

The table below outlines the values and the energy levels of each value.

Value Energy Level Emotion
Enlightenment 700-1000 Ineffable
Peace 600 Bliss
Joy 540 Serenity
Love 500 Reverence
Reason 400 Understanding
Acceptance 350 Forgiveness
Willingness 310 Optimism
Neutrality 200 Trust
Courage 200 Affirmation
Pride 175 Scorn
Anger 150 Hate
Desire 125 Craving
Fear 100 Anxiety
Grief 75 Regret
Guilt 30 Blame
Shame 20 Humiliation

If you consider this table and the relationship of levels of energy to certain emotions, many of the emotions we feel daily can be very low in energy and draining.

Optimism is at a much greater level and is built around creating a intent of optimism. If we commit to being optimistic this would dramatically impact the level of energy you have and give out.

Christian D. Larson felt optimism was so important that in 1912 he wrote “The Optimist Creed.”  If you’ve never read it or haven’t read it recently, here is a wonderful presentation – “The Optimist Creed.”

Dawkins takes this concept to another level believing that if we gave out this kind of energy into the universe then it would change humankind’s social problems.


Let’s have some fun and conduct and experiment OK?

Here goes…you decide to value optimism and set about creating this in every encounter you have. You decide to energize every connection you make. You decide to energize every positive emotion you have.

What is your day starting to look like?

How are your energy levels now just thinking about this?

Pretty good, right?

Now let’s look at some ways you can enthuse and energize others around you so that they can take inspired action towards their personal goals and personal success.

For the purpose of this exercise let’s call you the “Energizer” (we’ll leave off “bunny” to help you save face) and everyone you engage the “Target.”

A Better Way

As an Energizer you want to support the Target to make positive changes. But you need to do this in a way that builds their (the Target) sense of worth and allows them to develop critical skills and discerning judgment.

Fortunately, there is a more positive and powerful way to support the Target to bring about change in their lives. It is about changing perspective with a gentle and joyful touch. It is about “supporting” the Target into empowerment and towards a forward movement of action into their compelling future.

Two Stages

  • The first stage of enthusing involves defining the opportunity, or “seizing” the moment.
  • The second stage is about “energizing” the moment requires the “Target” to completely see, hear, taste and feel the situation so it becomes completely real and alive for them.

Enthusing is a supportive action for the Target. By doing so, we support them in shifting their perspective. Enthusing enables the Target to get excited about the actions they are about to take. It also gets them inspired to make the changes they want in their life.

They are so full of energy that they look forward to the change!

Enthusing creates a powerful space for the Target to step into. They will be able to take big steps knowing they are completely supported by someone who understands them, the Energizer.

Next week I’ll finish up on enthusing and hope you’ll have fun with the above experiment, I mean, really what’s the worst that could happen…you help someone?

I’ll finish with this quote:

“Get excited and enthusiastic about you own dream. This excitement is like a forest fire – you can smell it, taste it, and see it from a mile away. “ – Denis Waitley

Tel me…how to you enthuse yourself and others?  What are your tips and tricks?  Please share them in the comments below.

You are your biggest supporter.

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