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Warrior Mind Podcast



Enemies of Success: Warrior Mind Podcast #260

Over four years and going strong! With over 200,000 downloads from over 9 countries and 5 continents’…this is theenemies of success Warrior Mind Podcast.

The purpose of this Warrior Mind Podcast is to help you to become aware of the seven deadly sins of success and how to avoid them.

Success has but one enemy, and that enemy is your belief system. I’ve been studying the mindset of successful people for decades, and they share a set of common beliefs. People who struggle to produce the results they want also have shared beliefs, beliefs that are in stark contrast to the beliefs of the more successful.

Enjoy this podcast on the enemies of success

Seven Enemies of Success

  • Ungrateful: Without a sense of gratitude, you will never develop the mindset that brings success. A lack of gratitude is the seed of negativity and cynicism. Destroy this enemy by answering the question “What are you grateful for right now?”
  • Apathy: A lack of enthusiasm, or a more general indifference, is the surest path to mediocrity. Success, and the results necessary to bring it, has to be passionately pursued. Cure yourself by developing a bigger mission, a bigger reason “why” you must succeed. If you struggle, make a list of the people who are counting on you.
  • Victimhood: The belief that the world is acting on you and that you are powerless to shape your future is the victim’s mindset. Success in any endeavor comes to those who believe they have the power to act and the power to change things. Make a list of your challenges, and then make a list of what actions you can take to produce the results you want. Couple that with a list of resources available to you, and get help where you need it.

[color-box]Struggling? Find out why by getting your free copy of “How To Make Change Easy” HERE[/color-box]

  • Learned Helplessness: Belief that you can’t do something or that you can’t learn to do it will repel success away from you. Success knows that what one man can do, another man can do. Inoculate yourself from this belief by getting your hands dirty and trying the things you struggle to do well. Over time, your competence will grow.
  • No Vision: Without a vision of what your future result looks like, there is no drive, no motivation to do what is necessary to move towards it. Your vision becomes your reality. Develop a vision of where you want to be in three years. Dream big. No one is compelled by a small vision.
  • Fear of Being Judged: Success hides from people who fear being judged by others. The critics aren’t the people for whom you do your work. Success comes to those who “put themselves out there.” Most people won’t care what you do; they’ll ignore you. The people who do care will applaud you for doing what you do. The critics will never love you no matter what, so ignore them and get moving.
  • Lack of Discipline: To have what you want tomorrow you have to forgo what it is you want today. Success comes to those who are willing to suffer a little now and delay their gratification. Make a list of daily disciplines, and keep those disciplines. This is the surest path to success: the daily commitment to act to further one’s goals.

My e-book, Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior, will help you develop the discipline to combat these seven deadly sins of success.

Become a peak performer and request your Introductory Consultation HERE.

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