Check Readiness

Mental Strength



Don’t Set Any Goals For 2013

With the New Year here people will sit down and plan out what they want to accomplish in 2013. They set some goals goal settingfor health/fitness, finances, relationships and spirituality.

I’m a big fan of goal setting and it’s the first thing I do with my clients, but I’m here to tell you DO NOT set any goals….well at least not yet.

You see when we jump right into goal setting we’re setting goals based on our perceived capabilities or even our exaggeration of our capabilities.  Then we miss out goals and think that goal setting doesn’t work.

Goal setting works great, when the goals are set with evidence that supports them.  Many people set goals as if they’re a Christmas wish list.  Others set goals to that they hit them within the first couple of months of the year.

So why am I saying not to set goals?

Because I want you to look back on 2012 and all the accomplishments you didn’t plan or think you could have done.

When we can take time and look back, honestly, on our accomplishments from last year we are in a better place to set challenging, yet realistic goals.

The two big mistakes people do when looking back at their accomplishments is:

  • Under appreciating what they did
  • Exaggerating the degree of the accomplishment

Both of these set’s a person up to set unrealistic goals.

Success doesn’t just happen, you have to do the work and uncover the deep intentions within.

Most struggle with New Year’s resolutions, so here are 3 Mental Strength steps for mastering the art of transitioning from one cycle to the next.

Again, the big mistake people make is they look forward without looking backward.

Step 1: Look backward into 2012.

  • What were your biggest successes?
  • What were the biggest challenges you faced?
  • What unfinished business did you start in 2012 that needs to be completed in 2013?

Take 1 hour to answer these 3 questions as honestly and thoroughly as possible, it’s helpful to do it with a close friend. Write them down.  Like on a piece of paper 🙂

Step 2: Project forward.

Based off of your answers from step 1, create reasonable, achievable goals for 2013, and set a limit it to only 7 goals.  You see the mind can only handle 7 “bits” of info at a time.  And by limiting it to y forces you to prioritize and really get clear about what matters most.

Write down the goals on a piece of paper, then organize  them according to priority, and be sure to put a date next to each goal, which is our timeline for achieving each goal.

Step 3:  Leverage the power of relationships.

1 of your goals for 2013 should outline the top 10 people who you want to build a relationship. You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, you know that 🙂

So who are the 10 people who really admire, list them in your goals and make a note next to each name, outlining how you plan on building a deeper and more meaningful relationship with each person. (Hint: add value to their life/business!)

Pick a few people you already know a little, so you can leverage your existing rapport, and pick a few people who you know, but don’t know you.  Most importantly, only pick people you really admire, and limit it to 10.

That’s it! So simple, and might take all of 3 hours to do, but if you do it and put your heart into it, I have no  doubt you will be setting yourself up for the most exciting year of your life 🙂

 And don’t feel like you have to do it all in 1 sitting, you’ve got 3 days until the new year, so maybe take 1 hour each day and set yourself up for the most successful year ever.

If you’d like help setting challenging and realistic goals, go ahead and request your Introductory Consultation today.

You are your biggest supporter.

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