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Mental Strength



Concentration And Mental Composure

When you look deeper you’ll find that the person that has the mental strength skill of concentration also has mental composure…poise if you will.  Contrary, the person who does not posses this mental strength gets anxious, easily distracted and upset.

When a person is n this sate of construction, resources and wisdom cannot pass from the vast subconscious storehouse into the consciousness. There must be mental “quiet” before the two consciousness can work in harmony. When you are able to concentrate you will have peace of mind.

If you are in the habit of losing your composure, create a practice of reading material that quiets the mind or listen to music. In addition, the instance you feel your poise slipping, say, “Peace,” and bring to your mind’s eye a peaceful location,  and then hold this thought in mind and you’ll be back in control.

There cannot be perfect concentration until there is peace of mind. So keep thinking peace, acting peace, until you are at peace with your entire inner world. For when once you have reached this state it will be easy to concentrate on anything you want.

When you have peace of mind you are not timid or anxious, or fearful, or rigid and you will not allow any disturbing thought to influence you. You discard all fears and think of yourself as a spark of the Divine Being, as a manifestation of the “One Universal Principle” that fills all space and time. Think of yourself thus as a child of the Infinite, possessing infinite possibilities right were you are.

Write on a piece of paper, “I have the power and ability to be and do whatever I wish to be and do.” Keep this posted in a place where you will see it regularly, stop and read it often and you’ll find the thought will become part of you.

The Mistake of Concentrating on Your Business While Away

In order to achieve personal successful, you must posses the mental strength skill of concentration. However, don’t become a slave to concentration, and take your business home with you.  As soon as you do you’ll be burning your life forces at both ends and the fire will go out much sooner than was intended.

Many people become so absorbed in their business that when they go out to dinner, movie or theater they do not enjoy it because their mind is on business. When they go to bed they think about business instead of sleep and wonder why they don’t sleep.

This is the wrong kind of concentration and is dangerous. It is involuntary. When you are unable to get anything out of your mind it becomes unhealthy as any thought held continuously will manifest in the physical. It is a big mistake to let a thought rule you, instead of ruling it, no matter what the thought.

A person who does not rule themselves cannot achieve personal success. If you cannot control your concentration, your health, wealth and happiness will suffer.

Never become so absorbed with anything that you can’t put it aside and take up something else. This is the essence of self-control.

Concentration Is Paying Attention to a Chosen Thought

Everything that passes in your vision makes an impression on the subconscious mind, and unless you pay attention it will be difficult to remember what you saw.

For instance if you walked down a busy street without seeing anything that attracted your particular attention, you could not recall anything you saw.

So you see only what attracts your attention. If you work you only see and remember what you think about. When you concentrate on something it absorbs your whole thought.

Check this video out and you’ll experience for yourself.


Self-Study Valuable

Everyone has habits that can be conquered by concentration. Let’s say for instance, you are in the habit of complaining, or finding fault with yourself or others; or, imagining that you don’t have the same  abilities as others; or feeling that you are not as good as someone else; or that you cannot rely on yourself; or believe similar thoughts or thoughts of weakness.

These should be neutralized and be replaced with thoughts of strength and power.  Both ways of thinking are just a habit.

Remember every time you think of yourself as being weak, you are making yourself so by thinking you are. Our mental conditions make us what we are. Just watch yourself and see how much time you waste in worrying, fretting and complaining. The more of it you do the worse off you are.

Just the minute you are aware of thinking a negative thought immediately change to a positive one. If you start to think of failure, change to thinking of success. You have the seeds of success within you. Care for your thoughts the same way a mother bear watching over her cubs.

You have the power and ability to make those that you meet everyday feel as you do, because you radiate vibrations of the way you feel and your vibrations are felt by others.

When you concentrate on a certain thing you turn all the rays of your vibrations on this. Thought is the directing power of all Life’s vibrations. When a person enters a crowded without “projecting” their personal power, no one will notice them.

But if another person enters the same crowded room full of personal power, everyone notices.   This person would enter the room feeling that they were a magnetic and concentrating on this thought, others would feel their vibration.

So remember the way you feel you can make others feel.

This is the law.

Make yourself a concentrated dynamo from which your thoughts vibrate to others. Then you are a power in the world. Cultivate the art of feeling, for as I said before you can only make others feel what you feel.

If you will study all of the great individuals in history you’ll find that they were enthusiastic. First they were enthusiastic themselves, and then they could arouse others’ enthusiasm.

It’s latent in everyone.

It is a wonderful force when once aroused.

All people of success possess it and you can cultivate it by concentration.

Set time aside everyday where you have a deeply absorbing converse with your Soul. Meditate with sincere desire and an open heart and you will be able to accomplish that which you have meditated on.

This is the keynote of success.

“Think, speak and act just as you wish to be, and you will be that which you wish to be.”

You are what you think you are NOT what you may appear to be. You may fool others but not yourself. You may control your life and actions just as you can control your hands. If you want to raise your hand you must first think of raising it. If you want to control your life you must first control your thinking.

Easy to do, right?

Yes it is, through the mental strength skill of concentrating on what you think about.

How To Develop Concentration

The first and last answer must be:

“By interest and strong motive. The stronger the motive the greater the concentration.” – Eustace Miller, M. D.

The Successful Lives Are the Concentrated Lives

The utterly helpless multitude that sooner or later have to be cared for by charity, are those that were never able to concentrate, and who have become the victims of negative ideas.

Train yourself so you will be able to focus your thoughts and develop the power of your mind and brain.  Increase your mental strength energy to achieve personal success, or you can find yourself as a slacker, a drifter, a quitter or a sleeper.

It all depends on how you concentrate, or centralize your thoughts.

Your thinking then becomes a fixed power and you do not waste time thinking about something that’s not good for you.

You pick out the thoughts that will be the means of bringing you what you desire, and they become a material reality. Whatever we create in the inner world of thoughts will some day materialize.

That is the Law.

Always remember.

In the past many people drifted without concentration.  But today is a time of efficiency and therefore all of our efforts must be concentrated, if we’re to achieve our personal success.

Why People Often Do Not Get What They Concentrate On

Because they sit down in hopeless despair and expect it to come to them. But if they’ll simply take massive action and reach out for it with their biggest effort they’ll find it is within their grasp.

No one limits us but ourselves.

We are what we are today as the result of internal conditions. We can control the external conditions. They are subject to our will.

Through our concentration we can attract what we want, because we became in rapport with the Universal forces, from which we can get what we want.

I’m sure you’ve watched a race, maybe 100 M sprint or a marathon.  The competitors all line up together, each fixed with winning the race.  This is one kind of concentration. A person starts to think about a certain subject. He has all sorts of thoughts floating around him, but by concentration he shuts out all these but the one he has chosen.

Concentration is just a case of willing to do a certain thing and doing it.

If you want to accomplish anything first put yourself in a concentrating, resourceful, receptive, acquiring frame of mind.

In taking on unfamiliar work, take it slow and deliberate at first (concentration). This will lead to consciousness competence, which is never possible when you are in a hurry or under a strain.

When you “think hard” or try to hurry results too quickly, you generally shut off the interior flow of thoughts and ideas. You’ve probably tried to think hard about something, remembering a person’s name, and you couldn’t do it.  Then as soon as you stopped trying to think of it, it came to you.

Start developing your powers of concentration by picking up a copy of “Develop the Mental strength of a Warrior” today!

You are your biggest supporter.

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