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Mental Strength



Concentration Always Finds A Way

Concentration – The Mental strength Skill Of Success – Part 2

Each of us has two forces; One that want us to advance towards our personal success and the other wants to keep us where we are, or worse, pull us back. The one that we cultivate and concentrate on determines where we end up.

Both forces are trying to gain control. The ‘Will’ alone decides where we focus and concentrate. A person with one extreme effort and concentration can change their whole career and accomplish miracles. You can be that person!

You can be if you ‘Will’ to be, for ‘Will’ can find a way or make one.

I could easily fill a book, of cases where men plodding along in a matter-of-fact way, were all of a sudden energized, as if awakening from a sleep, and developed the mental strength skill of concentration and became a completely different person.

You can decide when the turning point will come, this is personal power. It’s a matter of choice whether you allow yourself to be programmed and controlled, or to take back control and develop the mental strength to achieve personal success.

Nobody has to do anything they don’t want to do. You are the director of your life if you ‘Will’ it to be. What you do, is the result of your mental training and programming. You are like putty, and can be completely controlled by your ‘Will’ power, or the power of others.

Habits Are Acquired  

You hear people say: “He comes by this or that naturally, a chip off the old block,” meaning that he is only doing what his parents did. This is often the case, but there’s no reason for it…a person can break a habit just the moment he masters the “Will” and concentration.

A person may have been a “good-for-nothing” all his life up to this very minute, but from this time on he can begin to amount to something. Even people well into their prime have suddenly changed and accomplished great personal success.

Some will complain, “It’s too late, I lost my opportunity.” That may be true, but by sheer force of ‘Will” and concentration, they can find a way to attract another opportunities. There is no truth in the saying that opportunity only knocks once.

The fact is opportunity never seeks us; we must seek it.

What usually turns out to be one person’s opportunity was another one’s loss. In this day and age, when one persons mind is matched against another’s, it is often the one with the mental strength that determines the results.

A person can think “I will do it,” but while he procrastinates and thinks about doing it, another person takes action and does it. They both have the same opportunity. The one will complain of his lost chance and the other will talk about their personal success. This should teach the procrastinator a lesson, and it will, if he is seeking the path that leads to personal success.

I’m amazed at how many people will read great books, but then say they didn’t get much out of them. They don’t realize that all that any book or any course can do is to awaken them to their possibilities; to stimulate them to use their ‘Will’…their personal power.

A person can be taught until the cows come home, but they’ll only know what they want to learn. “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.”

Looking For The Best

One of the best beneficial practices I know of is looking for the good in everyone and everything, because there is good in all things. When we encourage a person by seeing his good qualities and we also help ourselves by looking for them. We gain their respects…an important asset in achieving personal success.

We get what we give.

I believe that almost all of us need and can use encouragement. I challenge you to develop the mental strength habit of encouraging others; you’ll find very energizing for both you.

Life gives us many opportunities to improve. But what we do with them depends upon what we believe is expected of us.

The first of each month, I suggest you sit down and examine the progress you have made towards your personal goals. If you’re not make progress or getting the results you want, you need to discover the reason.  Then use your mental strength, concentrate and go the extra mile this month.

Every time you fall behind what you planned to do, you also lose time…that time is gone forever. Sure, you may find a reason for falling short, but most excuses are poor substitutes for action. Most things are possible and yours may be a hard job, but the harder the task, the greater the reward.

It’s the difficult things that really develop us, anything that requires only a small amount of effort, utilizes very few of our skills and talents, and usually only produces minimal results. So don’t walk away from challenging tasks, in the accomplishment of them it will help create your mental strength and concentration.

I believe that every person has to be willing to pay the price can be a success. The price is not in money, but in effort.

The first essential quality for success is:

  • The desire to do–to be something
  • The next thing is to learn how to do it
  • The next is to take action

The person that is best prepared to accomplish personal success is the one with mental strength, concentration and knowledge…basically personal power. The person that wants to be successful must be open-minded; they must acquire all the knowledge that they can; they must knowledgeable not only in one are of their business but in every part of it.  This type of personal will achieve personal success.

The secret of personal success is to always improve yourself no matter where you are in life, you can always learn more.

Go For It All

Don’t see how little you can do, but how much you can do. Such a person will always be in demand.  They’ll establish the reputation of being a “go getter”, of someone who accomplishes what they set out to do. There is always room for a person like this because a smart company always leverages a good return on investment.

The person that reaches the top is the gritty, courageous, hard worker. They are never timid, uncertain or slow. A mentally “weak” person is never put in a position of responsibility and power.

The person that is put in a position of responsibility and power has the mental strength to handle the pressures.  Het have done something, achieved results, or been a leader elsewhere.  They are placed in this position because of their reputation of putting massive action, energy and concentration into their efforts, and because they have previously shown that he has guts and determination.

The person that is chosen at a crucial time is normally the “smartest”, that is they don’t possess any more talent than others, but they have learned that results can only be produced by mental strength and an untiring concentrated effort.

Mental Strength School

They know that “miracles,” in business do not just “happen.” They know that the only way they will achieve personal success is by sticking to a plan and seeing it through. That is the only secret of why some succeed and others fail. The successful person gets used to seeing things accomplished and always feels sure of personal success. While the person that fails gets used to seeing failure, expects it and attracts it to him.

In my opinion, with the right kind of mental strength training every person can be a success. It’s too bad that so many men and women, rich in ability and talent, allow themselves to go to waste.

I’m on the process of starting a mental strength “school” for training and creating a warrior mind for success. It’s going to cover the fundamentals of mental strength (similar to the training I have now, take a look HERE) then move on to the intermediate level then to the advanced level and finally finish with a certification

When a person loses their grip today, they must take back control by their ‘Will’, mental strength and concentration. They’ll get little encouragement or advice of an inspiring nature and often they usually “get their act together” on their own.

To become successful we must, right here and right now, conquer our mental weakness. Don’t expect anyone to help you – except for me :-). Get what tools you need, make firm commitment, and resolve to conquer your mental weaknesses. And really, no one can do this for you. They can encourage you; that is about it…that “doing” is up to you.

Nothing Gets In The Way

I can think of nothing, except a server health issue…and even then, that can be conquered, that should interfere with you becoming successful. There are no handicaps or obstacles that you cannot overcome. To overcome any obstacle or handicap, all that’s necessary is mental strength, concentration, determination and ‘Will.’

The person with the mental strength, courage and ‘Will’, might be poor today and in a few years turn it all around and be wealthy; ‘Will power is a better asset than money; “Will” will carry you over that chasms of failure, but you’ve got to give it a chance.

The person that achieved their personal success usually had to gain their victories against big odds. Think of the trials and tribulations many of our great inventors had to go through before they became a success. Usually they were “misunderstood” by relatives and friends. Often they didn’t have the bare necessities of life, yet, by sheer determination, mental strength and resolute courage, they managed to exist somehow until they perfected their inventions, which afterwards improved their standard of living.

Everyone really wants personal success, but few will put forward the effort required to make the necessary sacrifice to get it. There is only one way to accomplish anything and that is to go ahead and do it.

Anyone can accomplish just about anything today, if they just set their mind and heart on doing it and let nothing interfere with his progress. Obstacles are quickly overcome by the person that sets out to accomplish his heart’s desire…to walk on The Warriors Path…the “stronger” the man, the smaller the obstacle appears.

The “weaker” the man the greater the obstacle appears. Always look at the advantage you gain by overcoming obstacles, and you’ll get the needed courage for your conquest.

Don’t expect that you’ll always have smooth sailing, “Calm waters don’t make a good sailor.” Parts of your journey are will be rough. Don’t let the rough places take you out, stay on you path.

The way you weather the storm shows what you’re made of. Never sit down and complain of the rough places, instead, think of how nice the pleasant stretches were. Look with pleasure at the smooth spots that are in front of you.

Do not let a setback stop you. Think of it as a mere incident that has to be overcome before you can reach your goal.

Until next week….

If you’d like to start to journey on your personal Warriors Quest to live a life of power, purpose, passion and perseverance, find out more HERE.

You are your biggest supporter.

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