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Chakras and Personal Success

I’ve given many workshops on Shamanism and I item I like to include is the chakra system, especially as they relate to Personal growthpersonal success, wealth and money.

I’d like to share my notes on chakras from my workshop.  Most of them are fairly easy to understand.  If some seem confusing….just use your mental strength and you’ll be able to figure them out 🙂

I believe that when we work with our spiritual and energy bodies this has a direct affect on our physical body and physical reality.

By embracing our personal power and work with these bodies we will experience tremendous personal growth.

Enjoy the info…

The Chakras

Chakra is the Sanskrit word for ‘Wheel’, or ‘Vortex’, and refers to each of the seven energy centers that compose our consciousness; our energy system. The first written references we have for this concept were given to us by the ancient Hindu writings, although the concepts of energy centers and circuits in the physical body are repeated with slight variation in nearly every religion and spiritual belief system throughout recorded time.

The concept of the halo as depicted in paintings throughout history is a strong reference to the manifestation of a completely open and functioning seventh chakra. The chakras function as regulators for the flow of energy through and around us. They are not physical. They are aspects of our consciousness and are denser than auras which are, in fact, manifestations of the colors of our open and functioning chakras but they are not as dense as the physical body.

All of your senses, all of your perceptions, all of your possible states of awareness, everything it is possible for you to experience, can be divided into nine categories. Each category can be associated with a particular chakra. Thus, the chakras represent not only particular parts of your physical body, but also particular parts of your consciousness.

The Eastern traditions recognize seven chakras as they relate to and interact with your body’s system. The Western Earthkeepers recognize nine chakras in total that include everything that your awakened consciousness can experience. There is an eighth one, which is like a radiant sun located above the head, outside the physical body but within your personal luminous energy field. We call this eighth chakra the “soul”. The ninth chakra is high above it, existing outside of time in the center of the cosmos, and connecting us with all of life. The ninth chakra is Spirit. There are additional Ancient Solfeggio frequencies that line up with and tune these two Chakras (174Hz for the eighth chakra and 285Hz for the ninth chakra bringing all chakras in a full circle from Earth to Spirit and back to Earth connecting the two as one).

Each chakra is a vortex of swirling energy and light emitting from a line centrally placed in our body and extending a few inches outside of our body, spinning clockwise from the vortex and rotating clockwise 360 degrees around our body to create our Luminous Energy Field (LEF). The point of each vortex connects to our spine and to our endocrine glands.

1. The Root Chakra (Muladhara) – located at the base of the spine and opens out between the anus and the scrotum in men or the vaginal opening in women. It connects us to Gaia, our Mother Earth. It’s where our primitive instincts are energetically located. This chakra is highly important to keep clear. This is our connection, our grounding line, our cord to our mother. This is where our primal survival and fear instincts are located. When this energy center is clear and grounded we let go of the fear of scarcity and become more open to the abundance that surrounds us throughout nature. Color vibration – red

2. The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) – located 4 fingers below the navel. It is the seat of our passions. This is where all of our feelings and emotions live energetically. Our self-esteem and sense of how we are loved and unloved also reside here. Our anger clogs this chakra. When we clear it, we open ourselves up to endless creativity and romantic intimacy. Color vibration – orange

3. The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) – located just below the opening of the chest cavity. This is where the body’s physical energy level is located. Clearing this chakra allows us to have high levels of physical energy, have good relationships with others, and be clear about how we express ourselves. Color vibration – yellow

4. The Heart Chakra (Anahata) – located at the center of the chest and is associated with the heart. This is where we experience Love, compassion, unconditionality, and non-judgment for all people and creatures, for mountains, for stars, for deserts, and for oceans. Everything! The heart chakra is the central point in our physical energy system. It is where our Earthly and Cosmic energies meet and are centered. When we clear this chakra, we rid ourselves of egotism and open ourselves up to the greatest capacity for intimacy and Love. Color vibration – green

5. The Throat Chakra (Visudha) – located at the base of the throat. This is our center for communication, ideas, and psychic energy. When this area is clogged, we fixate on our own group or tribe and our own personal opinions and ideas. When it is cleansed we recognize our connection to others, become better communicators, and are open to gaining wisdom by listening to people even when we may not agree with them. Color vibration – sky blue

6. The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) – located in the middle of the forehead. This is where our awareness, insight, vision, intuition, and focus are located. When this chakra is not clear our awareness and focus become clouded. We can become spiritually arrogant, knowing facts about the sacred, but not practicing them. Color vibration – indigo or purple

7. The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) – located at the very top of the head. This is our doorway to the heavens, connecting us to the stars. This is where our understanding, our bliss, our cosmic consciousness, our enlightenment and divine purpose reside. Clearing this chakra allows us to experience time as non-linear and break free from the laws of cause and effect. When the seventh chakra is clogged we mistakenly believe that we’ve achieved enlightenment, not realizing that we have further to go before reaching that egoless state. Color vibration – violet and white

8. The Soul Chakra (Vyapini) – located a few inches above the top of our heads. This is where we experience a union with all of creation and its Creator. When this energy center is clogged we find ourselves caught between Spirit and matter, feeling dissociated and disconnected from all. This chakra corresponds to the soul. Etched in its walls are the imprints of trauma that we bring with us from one lifetime to another, and these helped select the parents we are born through. These imprints predispose us to living, learning, aging, and dying in particular ways. When it is clear we forgive our pasts and transcend through to Spirit. Color vibration – gold like a radiant sun

9. The Spirit Chakra (Vyomanga) – located in the heart of the Universe outside of time and space and is always crystalline and pure. This is where we can experience the magnificent expanse of creation. This is where we reside within God. To reach this area, we ascend the silver cord of light that rises up from the eighth chakra. It is Spirit. There is only one ninth chakra, for there is only one of us in Spirit. It is the all and the infinite, the one that we are. Color vibration – translucent white light.


Chakra Centers Overview

  • 9 Chakra with 7 located in the physical body
  • Energetic “organs” of the luminous (energy) body
  • Vortexes of energy that spin clockwise
  • Shaped liked funnels with wide portion 2-3 inches outside of body and tip in spinal column.
  • Connected to the physical body primary through the endocrine glands and the spinal or nervous system.
  • Inform our neurophysiology, direct connection to out central nervous system
  • Different chakras are linked to the functions of specific physiological systems, organs, as well as levels of conscious
  • Each chakra responds to color, light, sound and other stimuli
  • Each chakra mediates various expressions of our energy-physiologically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually

Chakra Centers

  • Feet Center
    • Colors
      • Earth tones
      • Browns
      • Deep greens
    • Fragrances
      • Cedar
      • Clay
      • Sandalwood
      • Musk
    • Gifts
      • Opening doors
      • Movement into new worlds and terrain
    • Strengths
      • Courage
      • Openness to new
      • Commitments
    • Overcomes
      • Hesitation
      • Procrastination
      • Instability in life
  • Base Center (1st Chakra) – Survival, procreation, grounding, connection to Earth/nature.  Physicality; feet, knees and base of spine
    • Colors
      • Reds
      • Reddish browns
    • Fragrances
      • Cinnamon
      • Sage
    • Gifts
      • Past life abilities
      • Overcoming fears
      • Awakening the kundalini
    • Strengths
      • Physical energy
      • Common sense
      • Prosperity
    • Overcomes
      • Obsessive worries
      • Recklessness
      • Impulsiveness
      • Aggression
    • Linked Animals
      • Serpent
      • Horse
    • Element
      • Earth
    • Age Relation
      • 0 – 7 years
  • Spleen Center (2nd Chakra) – Sexuality, relationship, energy storage, physical balance, sense of self.  Physicality; belly
    • Colors
      • Oranges
      • Rust and autumn colors
      • Indigos
    • Fragrances
      • Juniper
      • Pine
      • Patchouli
      • Gardenia
    • Gifts
      • Creative joys
      • Sexual energies
      • Healing touch
      • Psychic
    • Strengths
      • Independence
      • Self-awareness
      • Detoxifying the body
    • Overcomes
      • Impulsiveness
      • Following
      • Mistrust
    • Linked Animals
      • Bear
      • Rabbit
      • Fish
    • Element
      • Water
    • Age Relation
      • 7 – 14 years
  • Solar Plexus Center (3rd Chakra) – Personal power, emotions, will, how the world receives us, how we are able to express ourselves. Physicality; between heart and naval.
    • Colors
      • Yellows
      • Citrine
      • Peach
      • Yellowish greens
    • Fragrances
      • Wisteria
      • Mints
      • Rosemary
    • Gifts
      • Psychic touch
      • Insight into other’s talents
      • Opening to new knowledge
      • Artistic inspiration
    • Strengths
      • Rational thought
      • Optimism
      • Truthfulness
    • Overcomes
      • Emotionalism
      • Impatience
      • Criticalness
      • Bullying
    • Linked Animals
      • Mountain lion
      • Antelope
      • Ram
      • Spider
    • Element
      • Energy/Power (from foods)
    • Age Relation
      • 14 – 21 years
  • Heart Center (4th Chakra) – Unconditional love, acceptance, expanding consciousness, higher emotions.  Physicality; heart, center of chest.
    • Colors
      • Greens
      • Pinks
      • Golden yellow
    • Fragrances
      • Rose
      • Lilac
      • Lily
    • Gifts
      • Healing
      • Balance
      • Vision into others
      • Guidance in sacred quests
    • Strengths
      • Spiritual reverence
      • Idealism
      • Compassion
    • Overcomes
      • Doubts and insecurity
      • Pride
      • Anger
      • Jealousy
    • Linked Animals
      • Deer
      • Hummingbird
    • Element
      • Air
  • Throat Center (5th Chakra) – Truth, communication, creativity, sound healing, intuition, manifestation. Physicality; throat.
    • Colors
      • Blue
      • Silver
      • Turquoise
    • Fragrances
      • Wisteria
      • Eucalyptus
      • Bay
    • Gifts
      • Creative expression
      • Strength of will
      • Hidden knowledge
    • Strengths
      • Open-mindedness
      • Facing of karma
      • All communications
    • Overcomes
      • Apathy
      • Weak will force
      • Resistance to change
    • Linked Animals
      • Parrot
      • Raven
    • Element
      • Light
  • Brow Center (6th Chakra – Third Eye) – “Awakened” mind, Christ consciousness. Physicality; brow, third eye.
    • Colors
      • Indigo
      • Black
      • Gray
    • Fragrances
      • Sage
      • Eucalyptus
      • Cedar
      • Myrrh
    • Gifts
      • Clairvoyance (“seeing”)
      • Spirit contact
      • Invisibility
      • Birth
      • Dream activity
    • Strengths
      • Faith
      • Discipline
      • Nurturing ability
      • Vision
    • Overcomes
      • Fear of future
      • Worries
      • Impatience
    • Linked Animals
      • Owl
      • Hawk
    • Element
      • Pure Light
  • Crown Center (7th Chakra) – Connection to the Divine/Source of all life, transcendence
    • Colors
      • Violet
      • Purple
      • Crystalline white
    • Fragrances
      • Frankincense
      • Sage
      • Musk
    • Gifts
      • Initiation
      • Devotion to higher cause
      • Increased wonder
      • Protection
    • Strengths
      • Creative imagination
      • Stellar influences
      • Acceptance to change
    • Overcomes
      • Procrastination
      • Superstitiousness
      • Shame
      • Lack of sympathy
    • Linked Animals
      • Eagle
    • Element
      • Pure Energy
  • Transpersonal Center (8th Chakra)
    • Element
      • Soul
    • Color
      • Gold
    • Exists outside of time
    • Personal experience of “God”
    • Where “God” lives within us
    • When we die, 8th Chakra expands and all the other chakras migrate into it, then manifests into a new body.
  • Center of the Universe (9th Chakra)
    • Element
      • Spirit
    • Color
      • Translucent White Light
    • Outside of time and space
    • Where we live within “God”

Correlation between False Core Beliefs, Negating Money Beliefs and Charkas

Use the statement: “I feel (depressed, saddened, frustrated, angry, etc) because…” (finish with the italic below and sense how it feels.  If it produces a negative response look at the correlating chakra.

  • I am not safe
    • How this translates to money
      • If I don’t have enough money, I am afraid that bad things will happen
    • Chakra to work with –  1st
  • I am out of control.  People are out to get me
    • How this translates to money
      • Others keep me from having the money I want
    • Chakra to work with –  2nd
  • I am not good enough
    • How this translates to money
      • No matter what I do, I never seem to have enough money to get rid of money problems
    • Chakra to work with – 3rd
  • I am unlovable, insignificant
    • How this translates to money
      • I never earn the amount of money I think I should
    • Chakra to work with – 3rd
  • I am alone
    • How this translates to money
      • If I have a lot of money (or don’t have much money), people will think badly of me
    • Chakra to work with – 4th
  • I am not capable.  I am powerless
    • How this translates to money
      • I can’t have financial abundance
    • Chakra to work with – 4th
  • I am nothing
    • How this translates to money
      • I can never seem to get out of debit
    • Chakra to work with – 5th
  • I am worthless; I have no value
    • How this translates to money
      • I will never be wealthier than I am now
    • Chakra to work with – 5th
  • I am flawed, damaged, incomplete, crazy
    • How this translates to money
      • Money is difficult for me to earn or save
    • Chakra to work with – 6th
  • I am hopeless
    • How this translates to money
      • Nothing I do makes a difference in my financial future
    • Chakra to work with – 6th

Exercise to Balance/Clean Chakras:

In the morning while taking a shower take the left hand and place it at the back/base of the spine.  Then take the right hand, starting with the 1st chakra spin it counterclockwise 3 times, wash hands then proceed to the 2nd, wash hands, the 3rd repeating all the way to the 7th chakra.  The back the 1st chakra (with left had still at base of spine) spin the 1st chakra clockwise three times (with the right hand), wash hands and repeat all the way to the 7th chakra.

How to Clear the Chakras

There are a number of effective ways to clear the chakras. Each one is very helpful. I will list one of my favorite ways, from Alberto Villoldo’s book “The Four Insights”, but I suggest that you play with several different methods and use the one that resonates with you the most.

Begin by finding a quiet spot. You may sit in a meditative position for this exercise or you may also do this lying comfortably in your bed. Close your eyes and take a few deep, focused breaths. Let your thoughts float out in front of you, paying no attention to them, as you continue to inhale and exhale deeply.

Bring your hands together in the prayer position in front of your chest, with your fingertips touching. Rest your hands against your chest as you maintain this pose. Inhale deeply… and exhale. Inhale… and exhale. Breath deeply several times.

Separate your hands, shake them vigorously, and then return them to the prayer pose. Notice the feeling of energy coursing between your fingertips – then separate your hands very slowly, maintaining this feeling. With your eyes closed, try to see if you can perceive the threads of light between your fingertips, creating a sensation of tingling or warmth.

Move your right hand over your root chakra, to its wide mouth two inches away from your skin, Feel its energy as it spins and rotates clockwise. Now begin “unwinding” the chakra by slowly spinning your hand counter-clockwise ten times, imagining your body as the face of the clock and your fingers as the hands. Explore the inside of this vortex of light with your fingertips, sensing its energy and noting whether it is cool or warm, tingly or sludgy. Feel the stream of toxic energy flowing out of your chakra and down in the center of the earth as you “back-wash” this chakra sending its used up energy down into the earth so She can transmute it back into new fresh energy and light. Now return your root chakra to its normal direction of spin and rotation by slowly turning your hand clockwise ten times.

Because every chakra is associated with particular feelings, as you cleanse each one you may notice that certain emotions or memories arise spontaneously. Allow these sensations to wash through you and down into the earth without analyzing them. You’re doing this work at the level of Spirit so do not distract yourself with these feelings. Allow these sensations to pass through you like a soft breeze and down into Gaia. They will subside on their own after you’ve taken a few deep breaths. (Please note that you may not feel any sensations as you do this practice. If this is the case, don’t worry – the exercise is effective and powerful, whether you experience any feelings or not.)

Repeat this unwinding action with each of the first seven chakras to cleanse them of any psychic debris, and then be sure to wind them clockwise again. After you’ve cleansed the seventh chakra imagine that you are hovering a few inches above your physical body. After a few minutes cross your hands over your heart chakra and take three deep breaths. Fully inhabit your physical body. Shake your hands gently and vigorously and knead them together. Rub your face with your hands and open your eyes.

Intermediate level: After you’ve done this exercise a few times and can sense your luminous self floating above your physical body, direct your awareness into your eighth chakra. Allow your consciousness to inhabit this space where the divine resides within you. Explore the vastness of this domain and try to remember what you were before you were born and what you will be after you die. Remember that this chakra exists outside of time, and here you can recall events that occurred in the past and the future.

Advanced level: After you master the intermediate technique, perform the exercise again; only this time direct your awareness into your ninth chakra. Experience yourself dissolving and becoming one with Spirit and with the vast expanse of creation. We call this center a chakra for lack of a better name. In reality, it’s the dwelling place of Spirit, which is everywhere and is everything, in the manifest and unmanifest creation.

Work and play with these methods regularly. You will find your body, mind, and spirit to feel clear and your awareness is heightened greatly by clearing your chakras. I also strongly encourage you to incorporate my Solfeggio Frequency recordings into your sessions to help you clear the chakras and to help you reach deeper states of awareness and meditation.

Please let me know your thoughts abut this post and if you’d like to me put this together into a usable program (with audio and video).

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