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Mental Strength



Business Success Through Concentration

A successful business is not the result of chance. Neither is a failure the result of luck. Most failures could be determined in advance by studying successful business owners. One thing for certain is in the beginning of a business it’s not always possible to turn a profit.

After starting a business, usually a number of changes have to be made. Plans don’t always work out as envisioned.  They may have to be tweaked a bit and even the scope of business may have to be broadened.  And as you broaden your scope of business you broaden your power to achieve. You gain an intense and sustained desire to make your business a success.

When you start a business you may have only a vague idea of what it will be. You may have to fill in the details as you go along. You must concentrate on these details. As you figure each one out, others will require attention. In this way you cover the field of “the first endeavor” and new opportunities open up for you.

When you realize one business goal, you create another one. But if you do not achieve the first business goal, you won’t reach the second. The person that does not carry his desires into action is only a dreamer.

Desire is a great creative force, but only if it is pure, intense and sustained. It is our desires that keep moving us into action and they will create more mental strength and potential when they are achieved.

Every person who achieves business and personal success deserves it. When they first started out they may not have known how to solve the problems and challenges that came up.  And when they use their mental strength, determination and concentration and solve them they develop their powers of doing bigger things.

We become masters of business (and our life) by learning to do well whatever we attempt. The person that has a thorough understanding of their business can direct it much more easily and skillfully than a person who lacks the knowledge.

The skilled business owner can sit in their office and still know accurately what is actually being done. They know what should be done at any given time and if it is not accomplished they know that the cause for producing the product or service and this then is easy to resolve.

Business success depends on well-concentrated efforts. You must use all your mental strength. The more you use your mental strength, the more it will increase. Therefore the more you accomplish today the more force you will have at your disposal with which to solve your problems tomorrow.

Starting Your Own Business

If you are working for someone else today and want to start in a business for yourself, consider carefully what you would like to do. Then when you have determined what you want to do, you will be “drawn” towards its creation.

There is a law that opens the way to the fulfillment of your desires. Of course back of your desire you must put forward the necessary effort to carry out your purpose; you must use your power and mental strength to put your desires into action.

Once you have started you must up your determination to have achieve them, both consciously and unconsciously, until you have manifested your business goal.  Set your intention on your purpose, concentrate your thoughts upon it, direct your efforts with all your mental strength and you will achieve your business goal.

Feel yourself a success, believe you are a success and this will put yourself in the attitude that demands recognition and this “thought current” will draw to you exactly what you need to achieve your business success.

Be courageous with large undertakings. Go at them with guts, and pursue methods that you will help you accomplish your goal. At first, you might not meet with complete success, but aim so high that if you fall a little short you will still have accomplished much.

Shoot for the eagle, bag the pheasant and you won’t eat crow.

What Others Have Done You Can Do

You may even do what others have been unable to do. Always keep a strong desire to succeed in your mind. Be in love with your goal and work, and keep them inline with the greatest good to the greatest number and you will succeed.

The successful business attitude must be cultivated to make the most out of your life, the attitude of expecting great things from both yourself and others. It alone will often cause people to live large and measure up to the best in them.

It is not the spasmodic spurts that count on a long journey, but the steady efforts. Spurts fatigue and make it hard for you to continue.

Rely On Your Own Wisdom

Your wisdom is a good as anyone else’s. When once you come to a decision, stick to it. Refuse to have any doubt or wavering in your decision. If you’re uncertain about every decision you make, you will be subject to harassing doubts and fears which will render your judgment of little value.

The person that decides in alignment with what they think is right and who learns from every mistake develops the mental strength that gets the best results. They gain the confidence of others. They are known as a decisive person that knows what they want and doesn’t change like the weather.

The individual of today wants to do business with someone that he can depend upon. Uncertainties in the business world are meeting with more dissatisfaction. Reliable firms want to do business with individuals of known qualities, with people of firmness, judgment and reliability.

So, if you want to start in business your greatest asset, with the single exception mental strength is a good reputation.

A successful business is not hard to build if we can concentrate all our mental strength on it. It’s the person is unsettled because they don’t know what they want that never reaches their goal. We hear people say that business is getting on the nerves, but it is the unsettling elements of fret and worry and suspense that are personal and nerve-exhausting and not about the business. Executing one’s plans may cause fatigue, enjoyment comes with rest. If there has not been any unnatural strain, the recuperative powers replace what energy has been lost.

By focusing on the daily tasks properly you develop the capacity to do a greater work tomorrow. It is this gradual development that makes possible the carrying out of big plans. The person that figures out doing something each hour, is the person who achieves their personal success.

At the end of each day you should be a bit closer to reaching your goal. Keep the goal in front of you everyday and make steps to get closer and closer to it. You don’t even have to know the exact direction so long as you are determined to find the way. But you must not turn back once you have started.

Most people’s conceptions of the possibilities of their mental strength are so limited and below their real worth that they are far more likely to belittle their potential than they are to exaggerate them. You don’t want to think that your goal is impossible because it’s never been done before. Every day someone is doing something that was never done before. We are pushing ahead faster and faster. It use to take decades to build up a large and successful  business, but today it is only but a matter of years, sometimes of months.

Plan each day’s activities carefully and you will reach any height you aim at. If each thing you do is done with concise and concentrated thought you will be able to achieve any goal. Plan to do so much work during the day and you will be astonished to see how much more you can do than on other days, when you had not decided on a specific amount.

It’s been demonstrated that the average person can do the same amount of work in six hours that they use to eight, without using up any more energy. Never start to accomplish anything in an indecisive, indefinite, uncertain way. Tackle everything with enthusiasm and mental strength that will focus your mind and attract the very best associated thoughts. You will in a short time find that you will have extra time for planning bigger things.

The natural leader always draws to himself, by the law of mental attraction, ideas in his chosen subject that have ever been conceived by others. This is of the greatest importance and help.

If you are properly trained you benefit by others’ thoughts, and, providing you generate from within yourself something of value, they will benefit from yours. “We are heirs of all the ages,” but we must know how to use our inheritance.

The confident, assertive, and determined person influences all with who is associates with, and inspires the same qualities in them. One seldom achieves personal success when they are listless, weak thinking and spiritless. To build up a business you must see it expanding in your mind before it actually manifests.

Every great task that has ever been accomplished has first been merely a vision in the mind of its creator. Detail after detail has had to be worked out in his mind from his first faint idea of the enterprise. Finally a clear idea was formed and then the accomplishment, which was only the material result of the mental concept, followed.

A success oriented business person is not content to build only for the present, but is planning ahead. If they do not they will fall behind their competition…who is. What we are actually doing today was carefully thought out and planned by others in the past.

All progressive businesses are conducted this way. That is why the business person of today is likely to accomplish more in a few years than his father or mother did in their life. There is no reason why your work or business should fade you out. When it does there is something wrong. You are attracting forces and influence that you should not, because you are not in harmony with what you are doing. There is nothing so tiring as to try to do the work for which we are unfitted, both by temperament and training.

Each one should be engaged in a business that they love; be should be furthering movements with which they are in harmony. You will then only do your best work and take intense pleasure in your business. In this way, while constantly growing and developing your powers, you will at the same time be rendering through your profession, genuine and devoted service to humanity.

Business success is not the result of chance, but of scientific ideas and plans carried out by an aggressive and progressive management. Use your mental strength so that they will grow and develop. Remember that everything you do is the result of mental action; therefore you can completely control your every action.

Nothing Is Impossible For You

Don’t be afraid to tackle difficult projects. Your personal success will depend upon the use you make of your mind. This is capable of wonderful development. See that you make full use of it, and not only develop yourself but your associates. Try to broaden the visions of those with whom you come in contact and you will broaden your own outlook of life.

Are You Afraid of Responsibilities?

In order for the individual soul to develop, you must have responsibilities. You must manifest the omnipotence of the law of supply. The whole world is your legitimate sphere of activity. How much of a conqueror are you? What have you done? Are you afraid of responsibility, or are you ever dodging, flinching, or side stepping it. If you are, you are not a “warrior”. Your higher self never winces, so be a warrior and allow the powers of the higher self to manifest and you will find you have plenty of strength and you will feel better when you are tackling difficult propositions.

Start developing your powers of concentration and courage by picking up a copy of “Develop the Mental strength of a Warrior” today!

You are your biggest supporter.

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