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Mental Strength



Are You Living the American Dream of Work Life Balance?

I am so inspired and excited!

Muhammad Ali said it best – “A man who views the world at fifty the same way he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life.”

This means taking a stock of our lives now, not waiting till your 50, 60 or 70.  Sure, if you’re under 35 this might seem like a futile endeavor, after all you have the rest of your life to worry about that…for right now it’s about ambition and success right?

Well maybe and maybe not…if you wait too long to look at your life you’ll end up at 50 viewing your world the same as you were at 20…then what?

You’ll find yourself scrambling for some sort of work life balance.

Don’t think so?

Take a look at what Nigel Marsh says at a recent TED conference. Here’s the video on his perspective of work life balance.

Finding work life balance and living your with purpose is becoming, not just important, but critical in living a life filled with joy, abundance and meaning.

I’m not saying abandon your ambition and become a Zen master.  What I am suggesting is asking yourself does your life have passion and purpose?  You see passion with purpose IS ambition with meaning!

This is the American Dream!

Will Marre, and his campaign for the American Dream Project, is educating companies and individuals on the importance of the American Dream, basically doing what you love.

According to Will Marre here are the 10 Things Americans Are Doing Now To Achieve the American Dream – please note this is only a summary.  To get the complete details please visit – 10 Things Americans Are Doing Now To Achieve the American Dream

  1. Resilience: With such stress filled lives more of us are creating a new rhythm of work and recreation (literally re-creation) to make us more stress resistant.
  1. Saving More: It turns out wasting money wasn’t increasing our happiness.
  1. Health: Health has become much more than the absence of illness.  Increasingly our personal vitality doesn’t cost more; it only requires a commitment to be good to ourselves.
  1. Renting: The percentage of Americans buying their own home is only about 61%, the lowest since 1961.  No one wants to live in a house that’s become a jail.
  1. Wiser Shopping: We’re spending less especially on things we don’t really need or don’t bring us lasting enjoyment.
  1. Education: More of us are interested in learning new skills that have economic value.
  1. Family Life: With economic challenges many American have taken a new look at the satisfaction of family life and are spending more time together.  Side note…take a look at
  1. Business Start-Ups: Over 500,000 new businesses started last year and that doesn’t account for hundreds of thousands more starting one-person consulting or service businesses.
  1. Deepening Friendships: A majority of Americans say they are rethinking their priorities.
  1. Reflection: “Is this the life I most want to live?”

More and more people are searching for a “better way” of living.   The problem with this approach is that you’re only looking at where you should live, or the type of job you should have.

It this type of thinking that has caused so much stress, dis-ease and unfulfilled lives.

When you take time to find your Vision…well…this is like your North Start, guiding you along your path of life.  And once you have your Vision you can then create your Mission, that is, how you will live into your Vision.

Once your Mission is created…the magic starts to happen.  You can then take inventory of your Values and Beliefs to ensure that they support you in your Mission.  If not, they can be “changed” (using some very powerful mental strength processes).

Your Values and Beliefs will expose your Capabilities in achieving your Mission. If more are required, then at least you know it and can now take action to resolve and capabilities gap.

With the acknowledgment and accumulation of your Capabilities, empowering Behaviors will be created.  This is where most people focus their change on, “what should I be doing?’ By only focusing on the “what” without the “why” will result in a life filled with stress and emptiness.

But when you are congruent with your Behaviors, Capabilities, Values and Beliefs, Mission and your Vision the last piece the “where” or the Environment, will fall into place.

The Environment is not necessarily where you should live, but where your Mission and Vision will be created.  This actually can be job or owning a business or even volunteering.

So why did I start this post off with I’m excited and inspired?

Because…as more and more people discover the truth about living a life of meaning and balance, they’ll be searching for the answer in how to do this.

This is where my excitement comes in….I can help you and them!  By living my Mission I will be helping others find their Vision and live THEIR Mission.

This is so awesome…imagine being able to assist people discover their Vision, develop their Mission and then help them put together a plan for them to succeed at it.

That’s exactly what happens at my private 2 ½ day High Intensity Inner Strength Vision Quest. An individual arrives with doubt and questions…then leaves with their power, purpose and passion completely aligned.  This in turn will allow them to live a life of meaning, fulfillment and personal success!

This is such a powerful experience that even if you have your Mission this will uncover “obstacles” that you probably aren’t aware of.

In addition to the 2 ½ days of deep soul searching you also have one year of coaching to ensure that your integrate and take action.

I don’t know about you, but there’s nothing worse then going to a workshop or event and getting great insight and ah ha’s…only to go back home and not have any support or and action plan…don’t you agree?

Not with my private 2 ½ day High Intensity Inner Strength Vision Quest!  You’ll get one full year of coaching to help you achieve your personal success.

If you’re interested in learning how you can find your Vision and live a life full of passion and meaning Contact Me.

Because of the extreme personalization and intensity of the program this is not an “open invitation” … we will need to talk first.   So Contact Me today is any of what I’ve said resonated with you and let’s begin to find out what your Vision and Mission is.

  • Warrior Mind Podcast – Episode 26 – Vision Quest (
  • Warrior Mind Podcast – Episode #27 (
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