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Corporate Warrior



Are We Letting Our Children Die?

These children, playing in a public space, var...
Image via Wikipedia

In a recent post in Medical News Today it was reported:

“An essential component of the school day has been relegated to the sidelines as more states fail to incorporate quality physical education into elementary and middle schools. The 2010 Shape of the Nation Report: Status of Physical Education in the USA shows a disturbing lack of progress in helping children build healthy bodies and healthy minds.

Despite incremental improvements in making physical education a requirement, an increasing number of states have taken advantage of loopholes and allowed waivers and exemptions from physical education classes and no progress has been made in requiring daily physical education in all grades K-12. With childhood obesity rates climbing along with hypertension and high cholesterol, risk factors for heart disease and stroke, now is not the time to rollback efforts to make physical education a priority in our nation’s schools.”

This very disturbing news comes after a great documentary on MSNBC “One Nation Overweight” The below clip is a preview of the show and documents more information on childhood obesity.

Both these reports look to point the finger at the food industry, schools and the cost associated with “eating right.”  What I’m amazed at is neither report look to the parents.

When my children were growing up physical activity was mandatory in our home.  Either we went for hikes, played catch, go for a swim, shoot hoops or a myriad of other activities, but we did them together. 

Then in school I insisted they go out for a sport.  I didn’t care which one, they just to play in an organized sport.

Our children are our responsibility NOT the schools, the food industry or the government, but OURS!   We as parents need to get develop some mental strength, wake up and realize that we are sentencing our children to an early grave….no one else….just us!

By not taking responsibility for our actions or lack of actions we are teaching our children that:

  • We’re not in control our or lives
  • We’re the victim
  • We have no power


We’re teaching our children to be weak in body, mind and spirit. 

Parents teach their children whether they teach them or not.  This means that children learn by you setting the example.  “Do as I say, not as I do” simply does not work!

Parents must start to set the example for their children by exercising daily and eating correctly. Parents must stop playing the victim and start living as a victor and a hero to their children.

Turn your excesses into reason…dig deep and find a way to save your children from dying before you.

One thing that can be done is to start a local “support” group of other parents. Then come up with ways to include exercise and proper nutrition.  There is strength in numbers and by banning together you’ll have a common mission.

Our children are our future…what kind of future are we creating?

Please share your thoughts and ideas on how this epidemic can be stopped in the comments below.

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