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Physical Strength



5 Physical Habits Of Peak Performers

This is the third installment on the habits of peak performers.  The first post discussed the mental habits.  The physical habitssecond discussed the emotional habits.

In this post I’ll go over the physical habits of peak performers.

Five Physical Habits of Peak Performers

Physical Habit #1. Control Physical Stress

  • Can tell when they are physically under stress and know how to relive it.
  • Daily dissipate stress through various routines, i.e. meditation, breathing, going for walk.
  • Develop technique to direct oxygen rich blood to specific muscles and areas of the body to relax.
  • Knows their body and what nature way is the best to reduce the stress.

Physical Habit #2. Resistance to Illness and Disease

  • Because of the other physical practices they are almost immune to communicable diseases like colds and flu.
  • If they feel like they might be coming down with something they mentally dismiss it from their mind that they don’t have the time to be burdened with such nonsense.
  • They know inherently there are in perfect health and their thinking keeps them that way.
  • They avoid any advertisements about cold, flu or other medicine to “cure” a health related issue.
  • If medical attention is required the recovery time is cut to only a few days.
  • On average, live longer then under achievers.

Physical Habit #3. Nutritional:

  • They eat to live, not live to eat.
  • Eat vegetables, greens lean protein with every meal.
  • They have between 5 – 6 feedings per so that their blood sugar level is maintained.
  • Stay away from salt, sugar, additives and excess alcohol (if any at all).
  • Healthy skin and sparkling eyes.
  • Health, lean body image and their body reflects it.

[color-box]Learn more about the habits of peak performers by grabbing a copy of Develop The Mental Strength of a Warrior Today! [/color-box]

Physical Habit #4. Physical Exercise:

  • Regular (4 -5 days per week) of vigorous exercise that includes aerobic and strength training.
  • They boost their energy by working out and exercising.
  • Enjoy the challenge of physically and mentally pushing themselves.
  • They know that oxygen and oxygen is the key to peak performance.
  • Enjoys exhaustion.

Physical Habit #5. Energy Rejuvenation

  • Need only 6 – 7 hours’ sleep per night.
  • Adequate time to rebuild and reenergize.
  • Falls asleep quickly.
  • Wakes up energized and refreshed.
  • More or less then to de-energize them.
  • If they feel tired a power nap (about 15 – 20 minutes in the mid-afternoon).

Next time we’ll take a look at the financial habits of peak performers.

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