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5 Health Benefits of Cycling

Cycling is one of the most useful activities in the world. It’s absolutely amazing for both your physical and cyclingyour mental health. It’s great fun, very accessible and it’s incredibly easy. So easy, in fact, that the saying goes – easy as riding a bike. When it comes to general fitness, there aren’t many exercises that are as good for you as cycling.

We did a bit of researching and we’ve come up with this short guide through some of the most important health benefits bicycling provides. Knowing how applicable cycling really is, and considering how easy it is to master it, it seems perfectly natural that everyone should do it. Do you still have doubts? Let’s not waste any time and let’s get straight to those cycling benefits we’re talking about.

Optimized Fat Burning

When it comes to losing weight, cycling is probably one of the most efficient exercises you can consider. The processes in your body that burn fat are at their peak when your heart rate is somewhere between 65 to 75 percent of your maximum heart rate. Achieving this heart rate is incredibly easy on a bicycle.

There are numerous test that have shown that our bodies keep burning calories up to 45 minutes after we’ve stopped cycling. You can burn even more calories with shorter, but harder intervals. So, if you’re looking to lose weight in the healthiest possible way, look no more. Get on your bike and start slowly, but gradually enhance the intensity of your rides. You will lose that belly in no time, and you will get to enjoy the process as well.

Great Cardio

People do cardio exercises for a very simple reason. The fitter you become, the better your heart and lungs work. Once you get used to improved blood flow and increase in the speed oxygen, your body will become fitter and fitter. Over time you can do some serious distances on your bike, and you can ride it for hours before even breaking the sweat.

It has been proven that cycling seriously reduces the risk of a heart attack. It helps you get in shape in the easiest possible way, and it’s amazing how just a simple 20 miles ride once a week can significantly improve your overall fitness and health. Start small, but make milestones, and you will be able to ride for longer periods and with a harder intensity very soon. Be patient, and remember – cycling is your heart’s best friend.

Stress and Anxiety Relief

Another amazing benefit of cycling is how it affects our mental health. Various studies showed that people who used bicycles regularly show very low levels of stress and anxiety. Regular bike riding is also very helpful for the people who’re battling depression and other psychological issues.

If your work is stressful and you simply can’t escape from all of it, sit on your bike and take a long ride. It can help you relax, calm your thoughts, and it will most likely help you feel much better about yourself. Exercising helps with the dopamine levels in your body, and riding a bike is one of the easiest ways you can exercise. However, sometimes those dopamine levels can make you want to go faster, especially if you’re riding it in nature. So, to make sure everything goes well and so you can relieve stress in peace, make sure to equip yourself with protection. Research some of the best bike helmets in your area, and be sure you can clear your head while being safe.


Healthy Way of Transportation

If you’re living in a big city and you have to travel far for work, you know how the morning traffic can affect your day. From unnecessary stress and a ton of other unpleasantries, through losing a lot of precious time, daily commute can make you feel quite anxious. You can avoid all that by simply going to work on your bike.

There are loads of amazingly affordable and useful software which can help you find the best route to follow, wherever you want to go on your bike. This way you can avoid all the unnecessary fuss that usually follow commuting to and from work. With all the health benefits you get from cycling, it really seems like the best possible way to do your daily commute. And to top it all – the impact you leave on the environment when cycling is much better than anything you might leave with a motorized vehicle.

Increases the Overall Immune System

Cycling brings other health benefits to the table than just getting fit. When you’re working on your cardiovascular system, you also get to improve your overall health. The stronger your heart and lungs are, the stronger your overall immune system gets.

Don’t be afraid to break a little sweat, use the bike as a means of transportation, but use it for exercising and for leisure time as well. It’s way much healthier to go on an easy bicycle ride than to sit in front of your TV or PC for hours. The effects regular bike riding leaves on your body are brilliant. You become more resistant to various types of diseases, while your body gets stronger. We can’t think of too many things that can get better than that.

For some people, bicycles are way more important than cars. They represent a completely different way of life, a healthy and happy life. With so many amazing benefits bicycles provide, there is no excuse for avoiding it. Think about your physical and mental health, and get yourself a bike. Whether you take it out of the garage and get the dust off of it, or you go buy a new one – you should get on the bike today. You will be thankful you did.

Jessie is a passionate blogger and home designer. She loves writing about tips and tricks that make every home a better place, inside and outside. Besides this, she loves sports, martial arts, outdoor activities and spending time with her close ones.

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