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5 Exercises to Clear Your Mind

Minds That Never Shut Downclear mind

Sometimes I find myself unable to stop my thoughts, and this keeps me awake through the night, impedes my focus, and cuts into my time talking with my children because my thoughts are elsewhere.

You aren’t alone if you find yourself like this either. Many people are unsure of how to get their minds quiet so they can focus on the important things.

Here are my five exercises that always help me to relax my mind and get done what I need to get done and be where I am needed!

Helping Yourself to Ease Your And Clear Your Mind

There are many things you can do to calm your thoughts, but these are the five that always prove to be the best help for me. I want to share them with you, so let’s get to it!

#1: Meditation

Meditation is an exercise that not only helps your body to relax and put your mind at ease, but it also simulates running for your body and sleep.

Meditating for 20 minutes will give your body the feeling of sleeping for 8 hours. This provides you with a well-rested body and provides you energy to get through your day.

Meditating for 5 minutes gives your body the same feelings as if you had run for 25 minutes. You won’t become fit or improve the shape of your outward appearance, but it is heart healthy and lowers your risks of heart disease and stress.

#2: Physical Activity

It’s suggested to get at least 30-minutes to 1-hour of exercise a day to be healthy and to work towards a goal of becoming or staying fit. Aerobics, dance, cycling, or working out are all excellent options to keep your mind clear and quiet.

It’s hard to want to do physical activity if the day is gloomy or you don’t want to leave the house. You can always get exercise programs to watch or use an indoor trainer.

You can even choose to spend this time walking or jogging with your kids or with a pet. However, you get your exercise, own it, and make sure you reap the benefits of exercise and clear your mind.

clear mind

#3: Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is a simple tool to use when you have nothing else to turn to when you want your mind cleared. It’s best to deep breathe between 2-4 minutes to get the full calming effect on your mind and body.

Deep breathing requires a quiet location and a small amount of time. Start by closing your eyes, deep breath in, deep breath out. Repeat the process for a few minutes. Once you finish, open your eyes on an exhale. Begin your task or get back to your life.

#4: Yoga

Yoga requires your mind to be focused on the position you need to be in, so it instantly calms and clears your mind. Yoga starts with basic positions for beginners so they can learn basic concepts and positions for more complicated poses.

As you begin to advance in yoga, it will require more and more of your focus and concentration, removing your mind from constantly thinking or worrying to focus on how your body needs to be positioned.

Yoga is an activity that you can include your whole family in. It will benefit children who are hyperactive and will help children regain their focus in school and on tasks they need to accomplish.

#5: Write it Out

It never hurts to write your thoughts down. Journaling is a way for people to write how they’re feeling, what they’re thinking, their ideas, and even drawings, without having to dwell on the problem.

So, write, doodle, color all over the page and get out whatever is in your mind. If the writing is something, you want to keep, hold on to it, otherwise, throw it away and let the thoughts go with it.

If you’re a writer or creator, you may want to keep the writing for ideas later, however, if the paper is full of negative emotions, worried thoughts, and stressful information, you want to let those feelings go with the paper.

Clear Mind, Happy You

Having a head full of thoughts and ideas can be bothersome, especially when you would just like it to be quiet and calming. Try these exercises and see if they can help clear your active mind for the time you need. I enjoy physical activity, meditating, and yoga with my children. It’s a sight to see when your kids are doing yoga with you!

What are some ways you find help with clearing your mind? Do you ever have issues with the same thoughts reoccurring? Have you tried talking to someone?

You are your biggest supporter.

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