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Mental Strength



3 Mental Strength Steps to Find Your Path

What exactly is mental strength?

There are several “definitions” of mental strength, based upon whom you ask. I’d like you to consider this description: “Mental strength is having the courage to pursue your own path.”

Live life in abundance…we’ve heard this particular mantra from writers such as “Seth”, “Abraham-Hicks” and films like “The Secret” and the “Quest for Success.” We all desire to experience life at the grandest levels. And over the years, we’ve been educated on the significance of a vision and clear thought…but how?

Anyone who has genuinely achieved success in all facets of life knows there’s a great deal that must be done to reach the top, and live a life of fulfillment as well as gratitude. One element is developing the mental strength to become seeker and adventurer of life as well as your passions.

Anyone can sit home, watch television and grumble about their life. However it requires courage, mental strength plus a warrior mindset to go out and look for your TRUE life’s path. And without understanding your optimal path, life has a tendency to drift about like a stream. A stream will take you down the mountain; however it will never carry you to the top. However, a good set of guides can help you climb up the mountain.

These guides can come from many sources, i.e. a mentor, a couch, but the most important guide is yourself, your personal compass.

I’m sure you saying, this all sounds good but how? So, here are three extremely powerful questions to ask the explorer and adventurer in you.

  1. “Are you prepared to make a choice?” – By committing to making a change you are telling yourself that you’re ready for an adventure. Now one thing about change, many people will tell you that change is tough, change is NOT tough, it’s the resistance to change that is tough. Once you accept that you are ready to make change all the rest is easy…relatively speaking 🙂


  1. “Once the choice is made, are you courageous enough to start?” – It’s one thing say “Yes, I’m ready to change!” It’s another to put that enthusiasm into action. Nothing, I repeat nothing happens without action. As a wise teacher once said, “Faith without works is dead.” Sure you may want a change and have the courage and faith to make this change, but now is where the rubber hits the road. It’s time to “put up or shut-up”


  1. “Will you commit to finishing what you start?” – OK, you’ve made the decision to create a change, you have the courage to start, but will you finish. Out of these three questions this one is probably going to create to most opportunity for observation and reflection. Are you committed to finishing what you start? If you’ve not committed, make it easy on yourself and just don’t start. I know, you’re probably thinking, “it’s better to have tried and failed then to never have tired at all.” Yes, it is important to take action and “fail”, but did you learn from the failure? Will keep going just because you failed at one thing? If you learn from failing, then it is not failing. If you keep going and try a different way, then it is not failing. If however, you stop, give-up and crawl back to you the old life you had….yes you failed! But, maybe sometime in the future you’ll regain your courage, your mental strength and your warrior mind and go after it one more time.


These three questions are intended to stir up something in you, to stir up that longing that’s been buried and to find your own compass. Once you have found your compass and have the mental strength…the warrior mindset, you’ll then be equipped to go on your journey. My wish for you is that you make it an exciting adventure.

John Spenser Ellis does a great job in describing find your compass in his movie, “The Compass.” John gives fantastic examples, stores and parables of finding your compass by developing mental strength, a warrior mindset.

Please let me know about your path in the comments below.

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