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Mental Strength



3 Mental Strength Habits For Personal Success

I think it’s safe to say that everyone at one time or another has dreamed of achieving tremendous personal success. It’s probably one of the top 5 drives for most people.

Personal success is achievement, fulfillment and satisfaction. Personal success is highly subjective, though, for one person’s success might be average for some else.

While some people’s concept of personal success is having millions in the bank, many wealthy people may find that true success cannot be equaled by huge amounts of money.

Personal success, could most probably be described as happiness in achieving a worthwhile goal – be it money-wise, relationship-wise, or otherwise.

It’s not always easy reaching your personal goals and achieving personal success. It’s a privilege earned by those who have the mental strength, paid the price, sacrificing time, money, and effort in the pursuit of excellence. A warrior mindset is needed, combined with determined action.

As I quote on this blog “Success in life is about managed thoughts, focused attention and deliberate action!

The individuals that have achieved personal success have traits, behaviors and attitudes that make them successful. Here are three mental strength habits that can help you in achieving your personal success.

Successful People Are Not Average: If they were, they wouldn’t be successful, compared to others. They are driven by their unusual desire and commitment to achieve their personal goals. They are most often relentless – getting up after a fall, and trying again.

They constantly work in improving themselves, finding ways to do better, to be better than the norm. When compared to others, they rise head and shoulders over them. Average people are most often fearful. They would rather stay put in their miserable current condition than risk failure. They fear everything the successful person has managed to overcome – rejection, commitment, hard work and yes, they sometimes fear success in itself.

 Successful people take responsibility for their success: Success is not a given, no matter how bad you think you want it. The really successful people don’t wait for success to fall on their laps – they search for it, pursue it with determination, and jump over hell and high waters triumphantly.

You must know that the road to success is not always smooth; it will be bumpy and full of other determined runners dashing towards the finish line. The less successful ones give up because of exhaustion; others fall to the side of the road and refuse to get up.

As with the African runner who broke his legs but still crawled his way over the finish line, successful people emerge as winners in the end. The real difference is they are not dependent on others for their success. They do not blame others for their failures.

They may need a helping hand from time to time, but still, their success is sweet, because they earned it with pride. One matter worth pointing out, though – successful people do not lie, cheat or steal. There is no true success out of the suffering of others. Truly successful people do things the right way, even if it’s the longer way, because they don’t like to step on toes to get to their destination.

Successful People Don’t Let Their Success Go To Their Heads: There’s something quite noticeable with some seemingly successful people – they have a general tendency to be humbled about their achievements. Of course, it’s a basic human trait to be proud of your success, but there’s a basic difference between pride and arrogance.

A real successful person will not flaunt his power, money or position in front of hungry wolves who are trying really hard to honestly improve themselves. A real successful person uses their achievements to help other be successful too. There’s too much cold air at the top, so why not bring other people in to make the top a more cozy and special place?

What use is your success if you are totally a failure in your dealing with others?

Remember, money may come and go, but it’s the bonds you made on your way to the top which really truly matter.

Which brings me to my point at the beginning of this piece – there are various forms of success. Which one is most important to you? Average people operate from a position of fear. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of rejection, fear of commitment. Fear truly is the thief of your dreams!

Your life and ultimately your personal success is your own responsibility. Successful people take matters into their own hands to accomplish their goals and dreams. They don’t sit around waiting for a knock at the door or for someone else to hand them a silver platter. The road is always bumpy but the successful person is always clothed with the right shoes to tread the terrain.

Start to create a mindset for success and pick up a copy of “Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior” today. Or take a look at “Advanced Mental Strength Training” and learn to completely change your life.

You are your biggest supporter.

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