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12 Benefits of a Brain Fitness Program

We all know the benefits of a physical fitness program, including the benefits in brain fitness.  But what about a pure brain fitness program?

Are there any real tangible benefits of a pure brain fitness program?

You bet!

Here are the top 12 benefits to a brain fitness program.

1 – Able To Try New Things: Having the energy and excitement to try new things is one of the more surprising benefits of brain fitness, this is something I hear over and over. By engaging important brain chemicals, speeding up thinking, and sharpening focus, an effective brain fitness program awakens curiosity and motivates people to seize life by the horns.

2 – Quicker Reactions: A quicker brain means a quicker body. After all, your body can’t move at all without getting instructions from your brain. So whether you want to field a ball more cleanly, or catch a sippy-cup falling off a table, it helps to have the fastest brain you can.

3 – Self-Confidence: With age, our brains tend to slow down a little. We have wisdom on our side, but we can start feeling a little less sharp—and that can affect self-confidence.

An effective brain fitness program will sharpen your auditory system—how well your brain takes in what you hear.  In addition it should do the same for your visual system. Together, they will provide a comprehensive brain workout that will help you think faster, focus better, and remember more, rebuilding confidence from the roots up.

4 – Safe Driving: Even the best drivers face dangerous conditions on the road. By speeding up how quickly your brain can spot dangers—a truck merging into your lane, an obstruction in the road, a patch of ice on the highway.  A brain fitness program will help you react more quickly. This mental speed training can help you feel more confident and comfortable behind the wheel.

5 – Sharper Listening: Sharp listening is a key component of a sharp brain. When our brains accurately interpret what others say to us, we have easier and more fulfilling interactions—with our spouses, around the Thanksgiving table, at work, everywhere.

Although the brain’s auditory processing naturally slows and gets “fuzzier” with age, a brain fitness program can speed it back up. In fact, studies show that people of all ages who use a brain fitness program achieve brain speeds that match that of the average 30-something again. That speedy processing promotes good conversation…and prevents miscommunication.

6 – Better Memory: Memory comes in many forms, and touches our lives in many ways. Having a strong memory is essential for feeling sharp and confident in everything we do.

A brain fitness program with auditory processing improves auditory memory, so you remember more of what you hear (names, conversations, instructions…). In addition a brain fitness program should do the same for visual memory, so you remember more of what you see (faces, text, visual details…). When used together, they will offer the most comprehensive and effective memory workout available.

7 – Finding The Right Words: Something like this has happened to all of us—and with age it often gets more common. But it’s happening a lot less often to those that have incorporate a brain fitness program. By improving auditory processing and fluency, a brain fitness program helps people find words more easily, making them feel sharper and more confident in conversation.

8 – Getting Things Done: A good brain fitness program will help people be faster, more efficient, on top of things—so they can do more and do it well. In should help you be more effective and error-free in all kinds of tasks, from grocery shopping to choir practice to projects at work. It’s just another benefit of brain fitness.

9 – Faster Thinking: Faster thinking will allow you to solve those annoying problems like a tax issue that might be gnawing at you for years. You’ll finally make your way through all the paperwork, and perhaps even win your case.
10 – Better Mood: Memory, sharpness, focusthese are words you might associate with brain fitness. But a better mood might not be the first thing that comes to mind.

It makes sense, though. Brain fitness programs are designed to help the brain produce dopamine and other brain chemicals that help people feel alert, rewarded, and upbeat. And the self-confidence that comes through faster thinking, sharper focus, and better memory can result in a more positive mood.

11 – Sharper Vision: Eagle-eyed vision doesn’t just depend on your eyes. The brain is an equal partner. The eyes take in visual information, but the brain processes that information.

A brain fitness program will sharpen your visual processing. Take in more visual details, react to what you see more quickly, and remember better. You might just find that life gets a little easier—and more enjoyable.

12 – Better Than Crosswords: You’ve probably heard you have to use it or lose it. But how can you “use it” most effectively?

Dr. Fred Wolinsky from the University of Iowa can help answer that question. His just-published interim study results show that when it comes to improving cognitive function, using a brain fitness program is incredibly efficient and effective—more so than doing crossword puzzles.

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