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Mental Strength



11 Great Quotes From Angelina Jolie

Here are 11 fantastic quotes from Angelina Jolie that typify mental strength.  I’ve added few words of my own after them…enjoy!

1.      “Without pain, there would be no suffering, without suffering we would never learn from over mistakes. To make it right, pain and suffering is the key to all windows, without it; there is no way of life.”

How true this is, we so often try to avoid pain, yet it is through pain where tremendous change can occur.

2.     When I get logical, and I don’t trust my instincts – that’s when I get in trouble.”

How often have you said, “If I only would have trusted my feelings?

3.     “If I think more about death than some other people, it is probably because I love life more than they do.”

4.     “There’s something about death that is comforting. The thought that you could die tomorrow frees you to appreciate your life now.”

Two great quotes about living life with power, purpose and passion by embracing death.

5.     “If you ask people what they’ve always wanted to do, most people haven’t done it. That breaks my heart.”

6.     “I don’t believe in guilt, I believe in living on impulse as long as you never intentionally hurt another person, and don’t judge people in your life. I think you should live completely free.”

These two quotes go hand in glove, live YOUR life on your terms and never die with regret!

7.      If you don’t get out of the box you’ve been raised in, you won’t understand how much bigger the world is.”

8.     “If I make a fool of myself, who cares? I’m not frightened by anyone’s perception of me.”

9.     “People say that you’re going the wrong way when it’s simply a way of your own.” Don’t allow others to pattern your life choices after something they would do. At the end of the day, you have to live life for yourself. You have to do what makes you happy.

Three great quotes on being true to yourself.

10.  “I’ve realized that being happy is a choice. You never want to rub anybody the wrong way or not be fun to be around, but you have to be happy. When I get logical and I don’t trust my instincts – That’s when I get in trouble.”

Don’t let people, or situations interfere with your happiness.

11.   “If being sane is thinking there’s something wrong with being different… I’d rather be completely f$%cking mental.”

Once again she’s expressing the importance of being happy with herself. Who cares about being like everyone else?

People are all different and if they learn to embrace their own differences and the differences in others, we could all be like Angelina Jolie and be happy in life.

You are your biggest supporter.

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