Urban Survival Kit – The Basic Essentials In Order To LIve
Everyone should have an urban survival kit- even if they don’t believe that the world as we know it is going to end soon. This collection of emergency items need not include guns, grenades and bullet proof vests but they should be sufficient to meet your survival needs for at least three to five days.
Basic Contents of an Urban Survival Kit
- Water is the first thing you have to be sure your urban survival kit has. Each person needs about a liter of water daily so you need to have five liters of water if you intend to be ready for five days of isolation. Resources vary on the specific amount you need to store because the Red Cross, for example, suggests a gallon of water per person per day. The water you store should be changed regularly so that it is always fresh.
- Food is of course the next most important item in an urban survival kit. Be ready with enough non-perishable food to last you for three to five days. The best type of food to set aside for this purpose would be canned goods, freeze-dried meals and energy bars.
- You should include flashlights and a radio which can run on batteries in your urban survival kit. Along with this you need extra batteries. Remember that there might not be any electricity at all so flashlights and batteries are serious necessities.
- An extra battery (fully charged) for your cell phone. The assumption here is that it is not yet Armageddon or the Crunch so there won’t be electricity but your phones will still work.
- Towelettes, personal hygiene items, paper towels, hand sanitizers and disinfectants should be in your urban survival kit. Running water may not be available and more than ever, you will want to be clean. Make sure you have these supplies.
- If you have a baby or a toddler, make sure you have the supplies needed by this young person. Again these have to be replaced regularly especially if you are storing things for a baby who is less than a year old. At that age they outgrow clothes and diapers very quickly so make sure what you store is the right size.
- A first aid kit is something you should have whether it is disaster time or not. You may in fact already have one. If so, just update the contents and anticipate bigger needs. Your kit should contain good plaster and gauze, wound disinfectant, materials for slings, antibiotic creams, disposable gloves and medicines such as aspirin, antihistamines, the medication you regularly take plus those you seem too need often.
- There are some miscellaneous items that are also good to have in a survival kit: duct tape, multi-tool scissors, a can opener, a good knife and a dust mask (a gas mask would be better but then that would make you a pepper).
- Sunglasses or safety goggles are also a good item to have on hand.
- At least one change of clothes; a jacket and thermal underwear if it is fall or winter.
- A sleeping bag in case you do have to move out for the duration of the three days.
- Material that you can make into a tent and cover for the ground.
- Probably the most important aspect of an urban survival kit is your mindset. You need to have the mental strength necessary to live!
When disaster strikes you do need some things to survive and these things are often not difficult to gather. For example, for years homeless people have been making makeshift tents out of extra large heavy duty garbage bags so there you have your makeshift shelter material.
You can get a dust mask from a regular hardware, just ask for a mask that will protect you while you are sanding and painting your walls. For a good multi-tool knife, read reviews of knives, check out which one is the best then order one on line.
An urban survival kit is a good thing to collect and keep on hand because when disasters happen, having one could mean the difference between life and death.
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