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Warrior Mind Podcast



Understanding Self-Talk: Warrior Mind Podcast #325

Over four years and going strong!  With over 400,000 downloads from over 9 countries and 5 continents’…. this isself-talk the Warrior Mind Podcast.

In this episode of the Warrior Mind Podcast I’m going to discuss self-talk, who’s talking, who’s listening and why this is important.

Self-talk is that internal conversation you have with yourself, that impacts your self-esteem and your confidence. One positive self-talk form this self-talk takes is a positive one. This is where you focus on the good things in your life and the things about you that are great, and this is known as your optimistic voice. It’s the self-talk that allows you to focus on the positive things in your life.

So why should you focus on the positive self-talk over anything else? The answer is there are a few benefits that are attached to this.

1) It Helps Boost Your Confidence.

Are you someone who is uncomfortable or shy when you’re in front of an audience? Do you feel like your talent and skills aren’t where they should be? With self-talk you can work past these items and boost your confidence at the same time.

Typically, negative self-talk gets in the way of those who never succeed. When you change to a positive form of self-talk, you kick your doubts to the curb and you manage to succeed in all areas of your life.

Before you write this off as being no big deal, you might want to reconsider. Those who are the most successful in life are individuals who believe in themselves and the abilities they have. In fact, you’ll find that this is a key area of importance and psychologists suggest that this area is one that is essential for both personal and professional success and growth.

 Enjoy this podcast on understanding self-talk


2) It Introduces Optimistic Thoughts — That Save You From Depression.

When a person is depressed, they will feel like they are worthless, hopeless and like they have no value. This will negatively affect their mind, and this carries over to their body. A depressed person will usually have a series of physical symptoms also. This can include eating problems, being lethargic, experiencing sleeplessness, along with several other concerns. When you think in a positive manner that the world is beautiful and you can do things, you’ll start to experience an improvement.

3) It Eliminates Stress.

There is no denying that stress can get the best of you and it can impact your persona. When you want to escape both the physical and mental burdens it has, the answer is positive self-talk. The American Heart Association states that self-talk that is positive can help you to better manage your stress. The result is a calmer, and far less anxious feeling.

4) It Shields Your Heart.

We know that stress can cause cardiovascular disease. With self-talk you can reduce your stress and that means you’ll experience fewer heart problems. This is supported in a study conducted by Susanne Pedersen, a researcher from Tillburg University, Netherlands. Her research showed that over the course of five years, mortality is lowered in those who focus on positive self-talk.

5) It Can Help You Improve Your Performance In Anything You Do.

Imagine you are drained or tired, and you have run several kilometers in a marathon. When you’re at the point you just want to throw in the towel, positive self-talk can help. It gives you the push and the drive to finish the race. This can help to reduce your anxiety at the same time, and help you to avoid the common concerns that are associated with performance anxiety. The positive self-talk then leaves you in the zone, so you are able to improve your performance in the race.

Don’t write positive self-talk off as only being for athletes. The truth is others can use it for both personal and professional success. If you are getting ready for a presentation, you might consider using this to help get you headed in the right direction. That way, you have the confidence and the courage to make better decisions and remind yourself that you can obtain all the believable goals that you have.

There is no denying that positive self-talk is truly one of the most important things you can do. With a positive impact on the mind, body, and soul it is something you need to carefully look at and utilize. Take the time to begin a daily optimistic self-talk with yourself and focus on mastering this process. That way, you can take on anything that the world throws in your direction.

You Can’t Improve What You Can’t Measure

The Mental Toughness Questionnaire is an assessment that determines someone’s Mental Strength…at this moment.   The questionnaire also provides tips on improving your Mental Strength.  You can request the Mental Toughness Assessment by going to http://MentalStrengthMastery.com

Request an Introductory Consultation right now if you wish to learn additional information on expectations, confidence and acceptance.

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