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Warrior Mind Podcast



The Complacent Zone: Warrior Mind Podcast #492

Over six years and going strong!  With over 1M downloads from over 15 countries and 7 continents’…. this is the Warrior Mind Podcast.

In this episode of the Warrior Mind Podcast I’m going to discuss the Complacent Zone, what creates it and how to break through it.  

The Complacent Zone

When we set goals what exactly are we looking for?


Change from our current state to more powerful one.

What is Change?

Change is something that moves us out of our comfort (complacent) zone.

What is Mental Resistance?

It is the consciousness or unconscious rejection to change.

The inherent problem with goal setting is related to how the brain works. Recent neuroscience research shows the brain works in a protective way, resistant to change.

Therefore, any goals that require substantial behavioral change or thinking-pattern change will automatically be resisted. The brain is wired to seek rewards and avoid pain or discomfort, including fear.

When fear of failure creeps into the mind of the goal setter it commences a de-motivator with a desire to return to known, comfortable behavior and thought patterns.

Where Does Mental Resistance and Support Come From?

  • Beliefs
  • Values
  • Emotions
  • Past experiences

Enjoy this podcast on the complacent zone

complacent zone

More on the complacent zone

So, as we start to make progress towards our goals, we get closer to our mental resistance line and “things” start to happen.

As we bounce back and forth between our mental support and mental resistance, we create our Complacent Zone.

What Makes Up Our Complacent Zone?

  • Environment
    • People, Places and Things 
  • Capabilities
    • Skills and Talents
  • Behavior
    • Habits and Routines
  • Your Story
    • What you tell yourself and others why you can’t reach your goals

To break out of our Complacent Zone requires the development of Mental Strength.  These skills include:

  • Goal Setting
  • Mental Rehearsal
  • Energy Management
  • Self-Talk

For a more in-depth discussion about this topic request your Introductory Consultation.

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