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Warrior Mind Podcast



Subconscious Mind and Your Beliefs: Warrior Mind Podcast # 154

This Warrior Mind Podcast is based on the post Reprogramming Beliefs For Personal Success.

The purpose of this warrior mind podcast is to convince you that most, if not all of your beliefs were programmed into your subconscious mind during childhood. This happened well before you were able to make the distinction between empowering and limiting beliefs.

The objective here is the help you understand that any beliefs that are in your subconscious mind can be changed, removed or enhanced through mental strength reprogramming of your subconscious mind.

Remember, there is no true or false with beliefs, only supportive and unsupportive beliefs. Don’t worry about “truth”, and instead decide if it’s useful to you, or if a different belief would be more useful.

For example, you might believe that “The recession is a bad time to start a business”. That would definitely be more limiting than “There will always be demand for exceptional products and services.”

Enjoy the Podcast Below on the Subconscious Mind:

It is the repetition practice of the better belief that makes or breaks belief change. There are dozens of so-called magical methods out there using all kinds of unrequired tactics from anchors to acupressure points.

If these methods work it is because of the very non magical principle: “Decide to change a belief, replace that belief with a better belief, and above all practice that new belief over and over in real life and imaginably until it feels natural and becomes a habit.”

The subconscious mind is a composite of everything one sees, hears and any information the mind collects that it cannot otherwise consciously process to make meaningful sense.

The conscious mind cannot always absorb disconnected information, as it would be an information overload, so the subconscious mind stores this information where it can be retrieved by the conscious mind when it needs to defend itself for survival (and for other reasons, such as solving puzzles).

The subconscious mind stores information that the conscious mind may not immediately process with full understanding, but it stores the information for later retrieval when ”recalled” by the conscious mind, or by an astute psychoanalyst who can draw out information stored in the subconscious, bringing it to the individual’s conscious awareness.

Create a mindset for recognition by picking up a copy of “Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior” today!

This is a fantastic e-book that helps you with your subconscious mind, personal development, self-improvement and personal power.  You’ll learn to take back control of your thoughts, develop success awareness and helps you tap into the powers of your unconsciousness mind to create the mental strength to succeed at anything!

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