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Warrior Mind Podcast



Self-Mastery for Peak Performance: Warrior Mind Podcast #402

Over four years and going strong!  With over 500,000 downloads from over 9 countries and 5 continents’…self-mastery this is the Warrior Mind Podcast.

In this episode of the Warrior Mind Podcast I’m going to discuss the importance of self-mastery for achieving peak performance.

Self-Mastery and Peak Performance Go Hand In Glove

Successful attainment of self-mastery requires much time and a lot of work. All facets that make-up the person in the mirror you call “me” must be examined and validated to integrate personality with essence. You will eventually remember where you came from, who you are, why you are here.

Self-mastery is the highest form of personal growth. Most beginning students question where to start. Our answer: Start where you are now in this very precious, present moment.

We hope that you bring burning questions with you. We expect you have come to the realization there is more to life. We understand you yearn for something you cannot name yet.

Also, we regret the scope of this article does not permit even an accelerated course for total self-mastery. We are here to offer practices you can incorporate into your everyday life to begin heightening your awareness. These fundamental practices are practical techniques from which all personal growth develops.

Life itself will be your practice. Rather than ignoring thoughts, feelings and events, use these techniques to jump right into them. Outwardly, what we show you appears deceptively simple. But, at some point during the doing, you will discover they lead to greater understanding and wisdom.

Enjoy this podcast on self-mastery


More on self-mastery

Be Present Centered

Until you master this practice, you can’t master advanced personal growth practices. Being present centered means – be here now. You must learn to center your total awareness right here, where you are, not on yesterday or tomorrow.

To illustrate, let’s creatively visualize driving. Present centered people are aware of the sensation of speed, sounds they hear, scents wafting in the window, how the steering wheel feels in their hands.

In ancient mystery schools, students of self-mastery were taught to study themselves by self-observing. They literally said, “I am here.” The idea was eventually the student could attain higher consciousness through remembering themselves in each moment.

This is not easy!

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The basic principle behind mystery teachings was that we are asleep. We do things mechanically. In order to awaken, we must become aware of ourselves. To achieve self-mastery, we must awaken.

Let’s creatively imagine the driving exercise, incorporating, “I am here”. We’ll get you started. “I am here. I am here unlocking my car. I am getting inside my car. I am turning the key. I am …”

Continue in this manner until you reach your destination.

Practice being present centered when you are cooking, eating, walking and so on. Notice your thoughts slow down as you become aware of each single thought. Eventually you will become aware of the spaces between your thoughts.

Random thoughts will creep into your consciousness like ‘what’s for dinner’. Gently bring your focus back to here.

When you can be present centered for very long periods of time, you will begin to know yourself. For now, if you are sincere about self-mastery, practice being in the present moment.


Stay with your first practice until it feels as if time stands still and a new dimension opens (in the space between thoughts) where truth, inspiration and creativity are born.

Now, observe your life experiences moment by moment. Try to suspend judgment and ignore fears or doubts. Just take notice of what is happening, not what you would like to happen. Notice everything around you as it is rather than how you think it to be.

Become a watcher of the now! Go outside and observe plants, animals and water. Look up and observe the clouds. Stare at a tree for a long time. Pick up a leaf and study it.

Let go of what you know. When you’re totally immersed in observation, you don’t “know” anything. After a really long time, it is possible to gain a sense of merging with, being in harmony with the world.

If it is within the bounds of your potential, you may start receiving messages from your previously untapped higher consciousness. Do not be afraid. You might even achieve total clarity about a thing where you know everything about it and you know that you know it!

At this point, you will need the assistance of a mentor. We have taken you as high as possible for now.

However, our practical techniques will sustain you while you manifest your mentor. The practices are building blocks, which mentors have used since ancient times to help students form a strong foundation for personal growth work. They will not corrupt the work methodology of a mentor of super-consciousness who can guide you to self-mastery.

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