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Warrior Mind Podcast



6 Mental Strength Tools To Change Your Life: Warrior Mind Podcast #308

Over four years and going strong!  With over 400,000 downloads from over 9 countries and 5 continents’…. this ismental strength tools the Warrior Mind Podcast.

In this episode of the Warrior Mind Podcast I’m going to go over 6 mental strength tools to shift your thinking from disempowering to empowerment.

Mental Strength Tools That Will Change Your Life

  1. Positive Thinking – affirmations, thought stopping, self-talk, etc.

The underlying principle here is that “we are what we think”. If we think we can, we can. If we think we can’t, we are probably right” as Henry Ford once said.  There are many tools and techniques which seem to work. They may all work but they don’t all work for all people. There is a need to experiment to find a technique which works for an individual.

Positive thinking tools and techniques fall into three groups:

  • Think positively – find three things each day
  • Banish negative thoughts
  • Reframe – turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts.
  1. Mental Rehearsal – visualization – guided imaging, etc.

The underlying principle here is that we can imagine success or we can imagine failure in our minds and we can learn from that. Yon use the inside of your head to experience whatever you want. You can practice a presentation and imagine almost any response – and practice your response to that.

  1. Energy Control – controlled breathing, relaxation, distraction, etc.

The underlying principle here is that psychological responses such as fear and worry have a physiological consequence Controlling those physiological responses can help us to manage the mental responses. So, when we are afraid, our muscles tense up and our breathing becomes erratic. Control these and you can control fears and anxieties.

 Enjoy this podcast on the 6 mental strength tools to shift your thinking

  1. Attentional Control – dealing with interruptions, improving attention span, etc.

Possibly the most underdeveloped area in personal development, the underlying principle is that, focus, sustained attention and concentration, enables us to work better and for longer. Interruptions and distractions undermine that capability.

  1. Goal Setting – SMARTER goals, “Eating the Elephant”, balancing goals, etc.

Well understood, this is an approach that everyone learns but few apply properly. The big challenges here are dealing with “big goals” and turning them into bite-sized chunks called milestones and with setting realistic goals. The underlying principle is that goals give meaning and direction as well as fuel and energy to achieve objectives & approach new challenges.

  1. Self-Awareness – reflection and good feedback – the use of MTQ48

This is a major factor in developing Mental Toughness or dealing with a lack of Mental Toughness.

You Can’t Improve What You Don’t Measure

The Mental Toughness Questionnaire is an assessment that determines someone’s Mental Strength…at this moment.   The questionnaire also provides tips on improving your Mental Strength.  You can request the Mental Toughness Assessment by going to

Request an Introductory Consultation right now if you wish to learn additional information on expectations, confidence and acceptance.

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