Infinite Intelligence: Warrior Mind Podcast #223
Over four years and going strong! With over 200,000 downloads from over 9 countries and 5 continent’s….this is the Warrior Mind Podcast.
This Warrior Mind Podcast is based on the “The Power of Infinite Intelligence.”
The purpose of this Warrior Mind Podcast is to help you tap into your higher vibration and frequency of thinking to access the power of Infinite Intelligence.
It is difficult to describe something that one cannot see or hear or otherwise sense with the five major physical senses.
The best way to describe Infinite Intelligence is if you think of all the energy that exists in the universe being a single entity and that entity being in total communication with every aspect of itself. It thus contains the sum knowledge of the entire universe, from the immense power of the mighty stars to the humblest single cell life form.
Yet this energy is almost ethereal in nature, being invisible to our physical senses and only measurable with the most sensitive and advanced instruments that we can produce and then only in rudimentary form
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Access to higher levels of knowledge can only be obtained by an ethereal link and each of us possesses that link. Most of us just don’t know it.
Those of us who comprehend its existence as far as we are able and are learning how to access it via our mental link have created amazing things to date. But these things are material and barely scratching the surface of what is believed to be possible.
We live in physical bodies and correspond to the material realm, so it is only natural that we should create on the material plane.
The Carnegies, Edisons, Rockefellers, Wrights, Shakespears, Lincolns, Da Vinci’s, Dickens et al of this world have tapped into this power and produced incredible results in the creation of wealth, power, invention and art and a thousand and one other things that have enriched their lives and the lives of millions on the material plane of this life.
The big secret that seems to be hidden from the masses but is really not a secret at all is that anyone can access Infinite Intelligence and it is done via the mind. As far as we know at this point in time, it can only be done in those quiet moments when our minds are relatively still and not cluttered with the goings on of our day to day lives.
It takes some effort of will to quiet our minds and the best way that it can be achieved is through the art of meditation.
The mind needs to be still and receptive to the ideas and “hunches” that come to it from Infinite Intelligence when we ask for answers to problems that beset us or need to know how to achieve or create something in our lives. First of all, we need to know how to ask the question we need the answer to!
You can get started today on stopping over thinking and request your Introductory Consultation by going HERE.
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