Forgiveness and Personal Responsibility: Warrior Mind Podcast #217
Over four years and going strong! With over 200,000 downloads from over 9 countries and 5 continent’s…this is the Warrior Mind Podcast.
This Warrior Mind Podcast is based on the post “Forgiveness and Personal Responsibility.”
The purpose of this Warrior Mind Podcast is to reinforce the concept of taking full responsibility for everything that happens in our lives and to forgive ourselves for any mistakes we’ve made in the past.
Successful people don’t waste precious energy holding grudges and plotting revenge.
“When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.” – Catherine Ponder
Forgiving is simply the act of releasing feelings of resentment, anger, bitterness or hatred towards someone you believe has done you wrong.
When you truly forgive you are free from the shackles that tie you inexorably to the offender and you are free to move forward with your life instead of being trapped in the past.
Forgiving someone does not require you to reconcile or have any relationship with the offender whatsoever.
The offender does not need to apologize in order for you forgive because forgiving them is for your benefit, not theirs.
Negative emotions such as anger, bitterness, resentment and hatred increases your risk of contracting severe health problems such as cancer, high blood pressure and heart disease.
If the offender were to apologize you don’t have to accept their apology. How they deal with their guilt (or lack of) is not your concern.
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We normally tend to see responsibility as a burden imposed from the outside, we think of it as a kind of obligation, a duty, to others
Personal responsibility leads to health, growth and success. To act responsibly at all times is a cornerstone of mental strength thinking,
Yet in truth, your biggest responsibility is toward yourself.
Once you learn the incredible truth about the benefits of leading a responsible life, and experience its astonishing power, you won’t ever want to go back to old habits.
There’s no putting the genie back in the bottle.
Taking personal responsibility for your own life, including forgiveness, is the first step toward personal freedom and control.
Your life is going to happen anyway. Wouldn’t you rather have the major say in it?
Personal responsibility leads the way to a life worth living – a life filled with health, growth and success.
You can get started today on stopping over thinking and request your Introductory Consultation by going HERE.
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