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Warrior Mind Podcast



Emotionally Strong: Warrior Mind Podcast #198

This Warrior Mind Podcast is based on the post “Emotional Strength For Personal Growth.”  

The purpose of this Warrior Mind Podcast is to help you understand that we are all emotional driven creatures, and that developing your emotional strength is one of the fastest ways to achieve personal success.

Emotional strength can be thought of as emotional stability and resiliency, characterized by assertiveness, caring, coping, and stress-management skills.

Emotional strength is one of the most essential assets a person can have. Life offers us a variety of adventures, and our character is not measured by how many challenges we face, but by how we respond to them.

Emotional strength allows us to surmount these obstacles by being composed and making decisions that are well thought-out, instead of unconsciously reacting with emotions that don’t support our higher good.

Many people think emotional strength is innate, that it’s something we are born with, and that there is no way to influence this aspect of ourselves. Fortunately, this is a delusion; there are many steps a person can take to increase their emotional strength, and by developing it, one can live a fuller, happier life.

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Enjoy This Warrior Mind Podcast on Emotionally Strong

Here a 15 things that emotionally strong people DON’T DO (thanks to Elite Daily)

1. Emotionally Strong People Don’t Beg For Attention

2. Emotionally Strong People Don’t Allow Others To Bring Them Down

3. Emotionally Strong People Don’t Hold Grudges

4. Emotionally Strong People Never Stop Doing Their Own Thing

5. Emotionally Strong People Never Stop Believing In Themselves

6. Emotionally Strong People Don’t Act Like Bitches Or Assh*les

7. Emotionally Strong People Know Better Than To Let Just Anyone Into Their Lies

8. Emotionally Strong People Aren’t Afraid To Love

9. Emotionally Strong People Don’t Lie In Bed Dreading The Day Ahead Of Them

10. Emotionally Strong People Not Afraid Of Slowing Down

11. Emotionally Strong People Don’t Do Things They Don’t Want To Do

12. Emotionally Strong People Have No Problem Saying “No”

13. Emotionally Strong People Don’t “Forget” To Give Back

14. Emotionally Strong People Don’t Feel The Need To Fit In

15, Emotionally Strong People Don’t Forget That Happiness Is A Decision

Most importantly, the emotionally strong have learned to understand the power their brains have over both the mind and body. They understand that emotions are reactions, not reactions to direct physical causes, but to the way we perceive those causes.

In other words, our emotions don’t reflect reality; rather, our emotions reflect the way we interpret reality. Understanding this gives us near-full control of our emotions and, therefore, our lives.

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