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Warrior Mind Podcast



Embracing Your Hero’s Journey: Warrior Mind Podcast #458

Over five years and going strong!  With over 800,000 downloads from over 12 countries and 7 continents’…. this is the Warrior Mind Podcast.

In this episode of the Warrior Mind Podcast I’m going to discuss what the Hero’s’ Journey is, how it shows up and how to use it for personal development.

Embracing Your Hero’s Journey

Looking at people today, you get a sense there is something very different about them when you compare them to people of even just a few decades ago. There are more people who appear to have become soulless and even though the work, having a car and a job and even a strong relationship with a spouse and a connection to God, there is something missing. You yourself may have a sense of emptiness inside, even as you are doing the right thing. This may be a feeling that even as you do the right thing, you don’t feel it.

Another group of people may feel live and the vibrant love and suffering it offers. However, their lives are always in rumbles. For these people, their personal relationships tend to be unsatisfactory and they feel like they are in a trapped place. These people feel isolated from the world and hopeless.

A third type of person is the person who never knows how to make it in the world, nor do they understand how to be connected to their soul. These people live an empty life that has no rewards for them and they never actually discover what their true purpose is.

Fortunately, the Hero’s Journey can help everyone to connect with themselves. This is a narrative as identified respected scholar Joseph Campbell that showcases religious rituals, storytelling, myths and psychological development. In the narrative, The Hero goes through a series of deeds to help a specific group of people. It can be a small group that needs help or an entire civilization whose survival rests on the success of the hero.

The hero’s journey is one of the most important pieces of life and those who partake in it will find that their life ends up being more rewarding than imaginable. Each of us has our own destiny and when we discover it, we become a person who feels more deeply connected and rooted, while experiencing a life that is far more fulfilling.

When you begin to embrace your hero’s journey, you can experience a decrease in the suffering that your life currently has. As you continue to live through the program, you will also find that as your journey becomes more defined, the happier and more fulfilling your life is going to be.

Enjoy this podcast on embracing your hero’s journey

heros journey

The 3 Main Stages of the Hero’s Journey

  • Stage 1: Departure. …
  • Stage 2: Initiation. …
  • Stage 3: Return. …

Step10 Hero’s Journey Steps

  • Step 1: The Ordinary World
  • Step 2: The Call to Adventure
  • Step 3: Cross the First Threshold
  • Step 4: Trials, Friends, and Foes
  • Step 5: Magical Mentor (or the Mentor with Supernatural Aid)
  • Step 6: Dragon’s Lair
  • Step 7: Moment of Despair
  • Step 8: Ultimate Treasure
  • Step 9: Homeward Bound
  • Step 10: Rebirth & The Champion’s Return

You will after all, discover who you truly are and that will help you to become better aligned with your spirit. Many people think of this as a form of awakening as they find what it is in life that is calling to your heart and soul. Just keep in mind that what is calling to your soul might not be an easy decision to make. However, if you always chose the easy road, you wouldn’t be on the path of a true hero’s journey.

As you begin your hero’s journey, understand that the benefits and all you find is going to add meaning to your life, but don’t think it will come free. The unfortunate truth is when there is goodness and light, there will also be evil and shadows that can be cast. It is up to the hero to remain brighter than the shadows and to ensure that they take on the shadows and appreciate the life. While this means there is a price to pay on the journey, the end reward will always be worth it.

Truly embracing your hero’s journey will mean that you heal the wounds in your life and allow yourself to accept the gifts you have been given. You can let your personal relationships, work and other influences positively impact your life and then share the enrichment that these offer you in the process. In each of us, is a treasure that is waiting to be discovered and when we open it and share those gifts with others, we are able to reward those we love and cherish and to ensure that there is a better experience for all.

In our lives, we will be confronted with things like death. Each time we face this and challenge our fears, we become stronger and we are able to move forward on our hero’s journey. This is similar to when a hero in a tale slays the dragon. When this happens, his community is saved and the risk proves to save others and to give him a rewarding sense of success.

Today, many people are told they shouldn’t take on the challenges in life and that causes them to shut down and internalize who they are. This internalizing instead causes pain and self-destruction and a sense of emptiness in life. This has led to our culture from being what it should be.

That doesn’t mean we can just jump head first into a situation. Instead, we first need to begin to take steps on the journey and earn our rites of passage. Before we know it, we will have achieved a degree of dense and have the ability to experience a new and rewarding life as we pull from the lessons that are given us. With each encounter we have, we learn how to emotionally and intellectually travel through this, until we reach the next level.

For a more in-depth discussion about this topic request your Introductory Consultation.

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