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Warrior Mind Podcast



20 Mental Strength Character Traits – Part 2: Warrior Mind Podcast #367

Over four years and going strong!  With over 500,000 downloads from over 9 countries and 5 continents’…. character traitsthis is the Warrior Mind Podcast.

In this episode of the Warrior Mind Podcast I’m going to go over the last 10 of the best mental strength character traits to achieve peak performance.

The following traits are from an article on

Let’s look at 20 mental strength character traits for peak performance

  1. Integrity

Integrity is having strong moral principles and core values and then conducting your life with those as your guide. When you have integrity, you main your adherence to it whether or not other people are watching.

  1. Honesty

Honesty is more than telling the truth. It’s living the truth. It is being straightforward and trustworthy in all of your interactions, relationships, and thoughts. Being honest requires self-honesty and authenticity.

  1. Loyalty

Loyalty is faithfulness and devotion to your loved ones, your friends, and anyone with whom you have a trusted relationship. Loyalty can also extend to your employer, the organizations you belong to, your community, and your country.

  1. Respectfulness

You treat yourself and others with courtesy, kindness, deference, dignity, and civility. You offer basic respect as a sign of your value for the worth of all people and your ability to accept the inherent flaws we all possess.

  1. Responsibility

You accept personal, relational, career, community, and societal obligations even when they are difficult or uncomfortable. You follow through on commitments and proactively create or accept accountability for your behavior and choices.

  1. Humility

You have a confident yet modest opinion of your own self-importance. You don’t see yourself as “too good” for other people or situations. You have a learning and growth mindset and the desire to express and experience gratitude for what you have, rather than expecting you deserve more.

  1. Compassion

You feel deep sympathy and pity for the suffering and misfortune of others, and you have a desire to do something to alleviate their suffering.

  1. Fairness

Using discernment, compassion, and integrity, you strive to make decisions and take actions based on what you consider the ultimate best course or outcome for all involved.

  1. Forgiveness

You make conscious, intentional decisions to let go of resentment and anger toward someone for an offense — whether or not forgiveness is sought by the offender. Forgiveness may or may not include pardoning, restoration, or reconciliation. It extends both to others and to one’s self.

  1. Authenticity

You are able to be your real and true self, without pretension, posturing, or insincerity. You are capable of showing appropriate vulnerability and self-awareness.

Enjoy this podcast on 20 mental strength character traits for peak performance

character traits

  1. Courageousness

In spite of fear of danger, discomfort, or pain, you have the mental fortitude to carry on with a commitment, plan, or decision, knowing it is the right or best course of action.

  1. Generosity

You are willing to offer your time, energy, efforts, emotions, words, or assets without the expectation of something in return. You offer these freely and often joyously.

  1. Perseverance

Perseverance is the steadfast persistence and determination to continue on with a course of action, belief, or purpose, even if it’s difficult or uncomfortable in order to reach a higher goal or outcome.

  1. Politeness

You are knowledgeable of basic good manners, common courtesies, and etiquette, and are willing to apply those to all people you encounter. You desire to learn the skills of politeness in order to enhance your relationships and self-esteem

  1. Kindness

Kindness is an attitude of being considerate, helpful, and benevolent to others. It is motivated by a positive disposition and the desire for warm and pleasant interactions.

  1. Lovingness

The ability to be loving toward those you love means showing them through your words, actions, and expressions how deeply you care about them. It includes the willingness to be open and vulnerable.

  1. Optimism

Optimism is a sense of hopefulness and confidence about the future. It involves a positive mental attitude in which you interpret life events, people, and situations in a promising light.

  1. Reliability

You can be consistently depended upon to follow through on your commitments, actions, and decisions. You do what you say you will do.

  1. Conscientiousness

You have the desire to do things well or to the best of your ability. You are thorough, careful, efficient, organized, and vigilant in your efforts, based on your own principles or sense of what is right.

  1. Self-discipline

You are able, through good habits or willpower, to overcome your desires or feelings in order to follow the best course of action or to rise to your commitments or principles. You have a strong sense of self-control in order to reach a desired goal.

How to build good character traits

If you believe developing your character is an endeavor you want to pursue, here are some steps to show you how.

  • Define your core values
  • Practice the habits
  • Find people with character
  • Take some risks
  • Stretch yourself
  • Commit to self-improvement

Request an Introductory Consultation right now if you wish to learn additional information on expectations, confidence and acceptance.

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