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Warrior Mind Podcast



Benefits of Saying No: Warrior Mind Podcast #461

Over five years and going strong!  With over 800,000 downloads from over 12 countries and 7 continents’…. this is the Warrior Mind Podcast.

In this episode of the Warrior Mind Podcast I’m going to discuss why is so important to strength your no muscle and get comfortable with saying no.

Reasons for Saying No

It consists of just two little letters, but the word “no” can have a big impact on your relationships with others—and with yourself. Too much “no” and you can isolate yourself, creating a negative persona, and miss out on opportunities. Too little “no” and you might overbook your schedule and bring on too much stress in the process. Finding a balance between yes and no is key, but that equilibrium can only exist if you’re able to see both the positive and negative sides of saying no.

It’s easy to see what’s wrong with saying no: It might hurt others’ feelings. It might create distance between you and your loved ones. It might leave you feeling guilty or regretful. It might limit opportunities. But there’s more to no than just negativity. Saying no can actually have a very positive influence on your life.

Here are some of the reason’s no can be a positive act that will lead to more personal fulfillment and better interactions with others.

Enjoy this podcast on the benefits of saying no

saying no

5 Why’s for Saying No

1. Saying no means you value your time.

Saying no is the best tool you have for distancing yourself from negative people or situations. Remind yourself how valuable your time is, and you’re less likely to hesitate when it comes to saying no to something you really don’t want to do. Saying no requires a strong sense of self, but in the end, it will reinforce your emotional well-being.

2. Saying no can be a brave act.

No can be difficult to say without hedging or including an explanation. You might say, “I’ll have to think about it…” or “I’m not sure, maybe…” These phrases not only confuse others (is that a yes or a no?), but also dilute your own certainty about what you want. Consider each time you say no, without a hedge or explanation, to be a brave act of self-respect.

3. Saying no means you know what you want.

Rather than immediately responding to a question or a request, take time to ask yourself, “What do I really want?” Sometimes, for various reasons, we have to do things we don’t want to do. But if you find yourself constantly saying yes even when you don’t want to, you should consider your own needs. You may build up resentment, which can damage relationships.

4. Saying no means standing your ground.

Some people won’t take no for an answer. They’ll urge you, cajole you, and come up with all kinds of creative solutions to make you say yes. These people are a challenge when you’re trying to make your life a more positive, productive place. When encountering won’t-take-no types, stand your ground and repeat your initial response. If you find yourself wavering, recall the reasons you chose to say no in the first place and consider how good you’ll feel if you remain true to yourself. You’ll find this fortitude carries over into other areas of your life.

5. Saying no is sometimes saying yes.

Every time you say no to one thing, you’re saying yes to something else. No means freeing up your time (and, in some cases, your emotional bandwidth) to engage in other, perhaps more positive, activities. If you feel badly for turning someone down, reframe your response, offering to do something another time that you want to do.

It can be tough to say no. Many of us were raised to always be nice and say yes. Learning how to decline an invitation or request without feeling guilty is an essential aspect of living a happy life. The more you master the art of saying no when necessary, the easier it becomes to fill your life with activities and people who bring you true happiness. If you find yourself defaulting to yes more than you’d like, or you struggle with sticking to no once you’ve said it, come back to these five points and remind yourself of the positive power of no. 

Source: Live Happy

For a more in-depth discussion about this topic request your Introductory Consultation.

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