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Mental Strength



What the Bleep Does Joe Dispenza Know?

The left frontal lobe (red), the forward porti...

Image via Wikipedia

Dr. Joe Dispenza is an amazing individual!  My mental strength coaching has come about directly from his message and science. 

Last night I was watching “Evolve Your Brain” and it (again) is amazing!  Every time I watch it I pick up something new.

One key topic I picked up from last nights viewing is at the end of the lecture he asked the audience (including those watching the DVD) if they understood the information and see how powerful it is?

Everyone (including myself) all agreed.  Then he asked the big question.  If we see how powerful the information is, why don’t we do the exercises/process?  His answer…simply we don’t belief it works.

WOW!  This hit me right between the eyes.  Not that I don’t understand, trust and see how powerful the information is, but at some level I don’t 100% believe it. 

Sure, I practice what I preach, coach and write about…and there’s another level I can take my practice to.  So, after hearing this challenge I’m even more committed to demonstrating the power of what I call “mental strength” in the achievement of personal success, personal performance and personal empowerment.

Who wants to join me?

To give you a taste of what Dr. Joe Dispenza discusses in his lectures, DVD and books I’ve provide some excerpts from a paper of his “The Throne of Our Divinity.” (downlink provided)

“The frontal lobe of the brain is what we use for focused consciousness attention. When we change what is in our frontal lobe, we change our awareness of the environment around us by changing how we perceive it and thus respond to it.”

“The metaphor of an open mind never meant so much. Think of awareness in this vast sea of potentials as if you were walking in the dark with a flashlight and shining your light on the reality that has been there all along.”

“Our human brain processes 400 billion bits of information every second; however, we are only aware of about 2000 of those billions of bits of data. We therefore are not aware of all of that information because we literally are not attending to those stimuli.”

“Until recently, scientists knew very little about the frontal lobe. They considered it ‘the quiet area’ because most of the measurements of brain activity using instrumentation gave them little data as to what was really taking place there.”

“However, with the advancement of technology, we now know more about its true function. It is the seat of inspiration of a human being.”

“Brain researchers have now proven, through the use of sophisticated technology, that truly focused individuals can calm down all the areas of the neocortex are associated only with the awareness of the body and the environment. Therefore, the illusionary separation of an individual from the environment becomes a loose, thin membrane when one is truly focused. That is, one stops using the part of the brain that is the associative memory bank that reaffirms us to people, places, things, time, and past events. We literally become one with an idea. The throne of our divinity is the frontal lobe and its sword is focused concentration. The free will of the human being allows us the privilege to choose where we put our awareness. As we now know, our reality is where awareness is.”

I hope you’ve gotten a sense of just how powerful you are!

If you’d like to explore your personal power further request an Introductory Consolation to see if mental strength coaching will help in achieve personal success and peak personal performance. 

Also, my e-book “Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior” can assist you tremendously in tapping into your true personal power.

Let me know how you feel about this information in the comments below.

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