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Mental Strength



What Can You Really Achieve With Thoughts?

You can think you way into or out of almost any circumstance, Good or Bad.mental strength

No action takes place unless it is preceded by thought. If you‘re unhappy with the circumstances in which you find yourself, you can improve your situation through the power of thought, just as surely as you can destroy your personal success with negative thinking. Success begins with an honest analysis of your present condition, acceptance of responsibility for your own life, and the development of a workable plan to achieve what you desire.

Unhappiness stems from a simple formula; your life condition does not equal your internal plan. When you are happy your LC = IP.

I can hear already…duh!

Well then to create alignment if your LC does not equal your IP you either change your LC or you IP.  In both cases the change MUST begin with thought.

My coaching model is based around TFAR.  Thoughts lead to Feelings; Feelings to Action; Action lead to Results, fairly basic and easy to understand, but difficult to implement.  This is where mental strength comes in, to observe and change your thoughts.  Buy doing this your results MUST change.

This then brings up an interesting question, if thoughts (which actually bubble up from beliefs) ultimately lead to results, is there a limit to what we can achieve? (Based on our beliefs and thoughts)

Here’s what Dr. Napoleon Hill had to say on this subject.

“Your subconscious mind is your hidden boss, then, and gives orders to your conscious. But your subconscious, as you surely know by reading this book, is a very special kind of boss. It will go into conference with you, so to speak, and consider changing any of its standing orders, canceling them, substituting others if need be.

Decide upon the belief you want, set it firmly into your subconscious mind, and your subconscious will thereafter instruct your conscious mind to “live up to” that belief.

Let your belief include the concept of achievement and your subconscious mind will discover ways and means toward that achievement which, on the strength of a mere wish, would completely escape you. You may talk of “good fortune” and “lucky breaks,” but what you mean is a sharpening of all your senses toward the achievement you wanta focusing of all your forces away from other matters and toward that achievement a mighty access of strength and resourcefulness a tuning in upon other minds whose aid otherwise would have escaped you and more! The best of words limp when they talk of the power of belief. Only feel your belief propelling you toward the goal of your achievement and you will know at last that an irresistible force is at your command.

Is there a limit to what belief can achieve? If there is a limit, nobody has seen that limit yet. I have mentioned often that we may at times avail ourselves of powers beyond our ordinary senses. (Not supernatural, but natural powers we are only beginning to understand.) Deep subconscious belief aids mightily in winning the aid of these unseen powers.

Once, when I was a child, I had typhoid fever the only serious illness I ever have had. I was ill for weeks without showing any sign of improvement. At length, as my father informed me years later, I lapsed into a coma. The two doctors who had come out to our farm told my father there was nothing else they could do; my end was only a few hours away.

My father walked into the forest. There he knelt down and prayed to another Doctor beyond earthly doctors. With his prayer he generated a mighty, all-embracing belief that I would recover. He remained on his knees for an hour or more, and at length a great peace came over him… that peace of mind which is the condition in which the mind words at its mighty best. And suddenly, from nowhere, and yet beyond the slightest shadow of doubt, he knew peacefully that I was going to recover.

I do not know where my father’s prayer might have been heard, nor if it was heard, nor if the mere fact of the prayer gave him the focusing and intensifying agent which is part of deep subconscious belief. But I know that when he returned to the house he found me sitting up, which had been impossible for me to do a couple of hours before. Sitting up, crying for water, and with my fever “broken” as we used to say.”Source: Grow Rich with Peace of Mind. Fawcett Crest Book. 1967. Pgs. 179 & 180.

This is great stuff, isn’t it?

I’d like highlight this sentence – “Decide upon the belief you want, set it firmly into your subconscious mind, and your subconscious will thereafter instruct your conscious mind to “live up to” that belief.”

Many people intellectually understand this but lack, or perceive they lack, the resources to make this happen.  This is where NLP, Mental Strength, Time Empowerment ® and Hypnosis come in.  By using all or a combination of these tools I’m able to assist clients in deciding on an empowering belief, one that will help create personal success and personal empowerment, and then “install” it into their subconscious.

Once that happens and the belief is “conditioned” the person get on with the business of creation.

It is quite amazing to have client come in one way (filled with doubt, uncertainty and frustration) and then leave completely transformed (confident, determined and unstoppable) achieving their personal peak potential!

If you’d like a transformation consider an Introductory Consultation, or at the very least pick up a copy of “Develop the Mental Strength of Warrior.”  Both will help you in reprogramming your mind for personal success.

So, what disempowering beliefs would like to replace?  Let me in the comments below.

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