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Mental Strength



Warrior Mind Podcast Episode #59 – Advice and Personal Success

This Warrior Mind Podcast is based on Mental Strength Tip #23 – Criticism vs. AdviceWarrior Mind Podcast

This Warrior Mind Podcast is to help you build your mental strength and make the distinction between advice and the average’s person criticism.  You will need to develop the mental strength to ignore the averages person “constructive criticism” and stay focused on your personal goal for success

There is a difference between solid advice and constructive criticism.  Solid advice appears in the form of assistance in helping you achieve your personal goal from people who already have what you want.  Criticism comes from the mentally weak that have tried to get success and have failed.  They will tell all the reason YOU can make it based only on their failure.

Enjoy the podcast below:[/]

You’ll need to comfortable with the idea that the more you do and succeed, the bigger the target you become.  Mentally prepare yourself to expect ongoing criticism will increase as your continue on your journey of success.

My job here as your virtual coach is to raise you level of awareness and mental strength when it comes to being criticized by helping you build the belief that criticism is one the most valuable tools for creating peak performance so you can reach your personal goal and personal success.

Constructive and unsupportive criticism can be considered as stepping stones on your path to success.  You need to evaluate the criticism from a logic perspective without emotion by asking, does this person have what I want?

Learning to use criticism as a personal growth acceleration tools is one of the most important roles of coaching. It’s critical for you to keep your ultimate vision in view when you consider the validity of any criticism.

If you can see the criticism as a way to manifest your vision more rapidly, you’ll be processing the criticism with your logical side of your brain. If you become emotion and sensitive to any advice or criticism you’re evaluating the information with your emotional side of you brain.

By keeping your vision in front of you will insulate yourself from any “pain” and keep mentally strong and focused where it can serve you most effectively.

Start building your mental strength today! Order you copy of “Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior” HERE now.  This is a fantastic e-book that helps you take control of your thoughts, develop a success awareness and helps you tap into the powers of your unconsciousness mind to create the mental strength to succeed at anything!

You are your biggest supporter.

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