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Warrior Mind Podcast



Warrior Mind Podcast Episode # 48 – Commitments and Personal Success

This Warrior Mind podcast is based on Mental Strength Tip #14 – Sticking to Your Commitments Warrior Mind Podcast

Before I get into this subject I wanted to remind you of the Personal Success Virtual Workshop.  This is going to fantastic and you get a free coaching session with me.  Find out more at Personal Success Virtual Workshop.

OK, on to the podcast.

It is amazing to me how many people are so flexible with their comments and then they wonder they aren’t reaching their goals or achieving personal success.

When a warrior commits to something they stick to it.  This includes a commit to themselves.

It is critical for your personal success to make the distinction between how the average thinker make commitment’s compared to how mental strength thinkers make commitments.

Enjoy the podcast below:[/]

The main difference shows up when things get tough or if something gets in the way.  A mentally weak thinker begins to question their commitment and search for a way out, ask for renegotiation or compromise.  The mental strength thinker rarely if ever waivers on their commitments, and maintains complete mental focus on the task.

If they have to make a change they get permission first (if the task involves another person or persons), if they other party agrees, OK, if not…the mentally strong person still holds to their commitment.

The point of this podcast is to help you recognize that delivering on your commitments is the foundation of reaching your personal goals and achieving personal success.  You MUST be aware of the consequences that breaking commitments has on your self-image and self-respect.

A person who consistently breaks their commitments (either to themselves or to others) losses a belief in their ability of persistence and will most likely never reaches their personal success.  The true cost weak thinking in terms of commitment is more about what it does to destroy your integrity with yourself than it does to anyone on the outside.

I’d like to emphasize commitments that you make to yourself.  If you had a friend the broke as many commitments to you as you do to yourself, how long would that person be a friend?


Final Thought

There is no compromise when it comes to my coaching around commitment.  I must get you to understand that the fundamental reason that average person is getting nowhere are their beliefs and actions towards commitment.  The average person simply quits when they feel pain.  The mental strength practitioner forges ahead knowing that pain is temporary, but self-respect is forever.  I need to pound at the idea that your commitment represents your word, and if your word has a shaky reputation, you will not reach you personal performance potential or personal success

I’d like to finish with a quote:

“There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.” ~ Ken Blanchard Quotes

You are your biggest supporter.

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