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Warrior Mind Podcast



Warrior Mind Podcast Episode # 123: Teamwork

This Warrior Mind Podcast is based on Mental Strength Tip #84 – Teamwork and Personal Success.

The purpose to this Warrior Mind Podcast is to help you truly understand that a mental strength team will outperform a great individual every time.   A lone-wolf attitude will take you just so far, but to reach your personal goals and achieve personal success it will be a lot easier with a supportive team around you.

“The “Master Mind” may be defined as: “Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.”” A Master Mind may be created through the bringing together or blending, in a spirit of perfect harmony, of two or more minds. Out of this harmonious blending the chemistry of the mind creates a third mind which may be appropriated and used by one or all of the individual minds. The Master Mind will remain available as long as the friendly harmonious alliance between the individual minds exist. It will disintegrate and all evidence of its former existence will disappear the moment the friendly alliance is broken.” – Napoleon Hill, Law of Success

To clarify one point, Napoleon Hill is affirming two or more harmonious minds bonds with a third connector which is the Universe, Divine Intelligence…what ever you want to call It. When the energy fields of two or more people are in alignment with Source energy the guidance that emerges is nothing short of amazing.

Enjoy the podcast below:[/]

Understanding the importance of team-work is as simple as conditioning and programming your mind to eliminate the fear-based thoughts, and move from ego-based thinking to Soul-based consciousness.

Be persistent, take your time, and exercise patience as you shift your perspective.

Remember, anytime you’re fighting your fears you’re battling the programming and conditioning of society, which is steeped in fear-based thinking.

It is possible to break through the programming with mental strength, time and perseverance.

To help develop the mental strength to create successful teams pick up a copy of “Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior” today.

You are your biggest supporter.

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