Warrior Mind Coach In-depth Interview
During my many interviews I often asked about surviving an avalanche. This time Matt Horwitz takes it a step further and gets done to some things from the way…way…back.
I hope you will find this information not only enjoyable, but encouraging as well. Truly…there are no blocks to our success except for the one’s we build.
I discuss:
- Some of my major obstacles when I was younger
- How these helped form my philosophy
- How mental strength plays a role in everything we do
- The complacent zone
- And few more great chunks of information
Enjoy the interview with Warrior Mind Coach
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://d24d0dpbma79tu.cloudfront.net/audio_auph_GreggS_2014.02.11.mp3″]
Questions asked and answered in the interview with warrior mind coach
“Every facet, every compartment of your mind is to be programed by you, and if you don’t take your rightful responsibility and begin to program your own mind, the world will program is for you.”
Today we have Gregg Swanson, of http://WarriorMindCoach.com
Gregg is a mental strength coach in the field of personal development, helping to align one’s body, mind and spirit.
Gregg has been exposed to a wide variety of experience and training from corporate sales to martial arts to mountaineering. He’s also a Clinical Hypnotherapist, a Life Strategies Coach, Personal Trainer, an MMA Conditioning Coach, a really cool bit… he’s a certified Firewalking Facilitator.
In 1998 he survived an avalanche on Mt. Rainier in Washington State. One that ripped apart his knee, and left him with a broken hand, as he hung of the side of the mountain for over 8 hours waiting for a helicopter rescue.
Tell us a bit about your childhood?
What were some of the challenges you faced, either as a child, or a young man growing up?
How/When did you become interested in personal growth, mindset, and self-development?
What was your introduction, or first experience with mountaineering?
Let’s relive that day back from 1998…
Tell us about what you do as a mental strength coach.
What is your favorite question you get asked as a coach?
What is so powerful about the word “warrior”?
Self-Improvement, personal development, self-growth, self-help, spiritual practice…you say that all these are about one thing: CHANGE. Let’s unpack this a bit…Why is change so difficult, and what can we do to face these difficulties, and eventually overcome them?
You mention this… what do these things have in common: your car, your home, your office, your life, your income, your weight. They all have “set points” that define the upper and lower limits, but the different between us and the others, is that our “set point”… or our mental resistance threshold is unconsciously determined by us.
You’re running the “The Art and Science of Change Retreat” (now named Develop the Mental Strength of a Warrior Intensive). Tell us about it… where is, it, and when is it.
Who/What inspires you?
Gregg, you seem to have uncovered your path. What do you think is purpose you’re here?
Where did you grow up?
Where/what is your favorite travel story/experience?
How do you balance being present (during travel) with documenting (writing, photos, etc.)
What is your favorite question you get asked?
What are the most common questions you get asked?
What is a question you rarely (or never) get asked, that you wish people asked?
What are the benefits you’ve found to what you are doing?
What was one of your largest struggles in your journey?
How do you support yourself financially?
Looking back, if you could tell yourself what you knew know, what advice would you give yourself when you started?
What was one book that a powerful impact on your life or your thinking and why?
Craziest travel story?
What drives you to do what you do?